Autor Andrija Ražnatović
Mentor Mario Fraculj (mentor)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Visoko učilište Algebra Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2019-03-25, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI Ekonomija
Sažetak U zadnjih pet godina po uzoru na sličan pokret nastao u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, pojavljuje se novi segment u hrvatskoj pivskoj industriji - craft pivovare, male nezavisne pivovare s autorskim potpisom, malom količinom proizvodnje, u privatnom vlasništvu i koje proizvode karakteristične pivske stilove. Hrvatska pivska industrija je najvećim dijelom tržišta pod kontrolom tri velike pivovare u vlasništvu stranih korporacija, a pivski stil na koji se fokusiraju je lager. Kao reakcija tome,
... Više 2013. godine iz rastućeg homebrewing pokreta nastaju prve craft pivovare. Danas u Hrvatskoj postoji preko sedamdeset craft pivovara, a Zakon o trošarinama predviđa za njih i srodne pivovare kategoriju male nezavisne pivovare s posebnim oporezivanjem. Proizvodi craft pivovara dostupni su u većini maloprodajnih lanaca, a rast njihovog udjela na tržištu utjecao je i na industrijske pivovare - dva od tri tržišna lidera izašla su s proizvodima i brandovima koji imitiraju craft, s time da je Zagrebačka pivovara, tržišni lider u industrijskom pivarstvu uspješno infiltrirao craft tržište sa svojim brandom Grif te time kompletirao portfolio i otežao širenje craft proizvoda u nove ugostiteljske objekte.
Industrijski segment craft pivarstva analiziran je kroz primjenu Porterovog modela pet konkurentskih sila te on-line istraživanje. Prema Porterovom modelu izveden je zaključak da je craft pivarstvo srednje atraktivna industrija s obzirom na konkurentske sile te da je njegova atraktivnost, odnosno dugoročni profitni potencijal manji u odnosu na mainstream pivarstvo, iako je je u rastu i iako je ulazak u industrijski segment craft piva puno lakši (zbog manjih ulaznih barijera). Istraživanje je provedeno na 1127 ispitanika te je, iako vođeno na nereferentnom uzorku, potvrdilo dvije teze: da Zmajska pivovara drži top-of-mind poziciju kod hrvatskih potrošača craft piva te da je marketinška komunikacija ključna u formiranju sposobnosti potrošača da uspješno identificira autentična craft piva od industrijskih supstituta u užem stilu.
Studija slučaja analizira Zmajsku pivovaru koja je prepoznata kao tržišni lider i za koju je istraživanje pokazalo da drži top-of-mind poziciju kod potrošača. Zmajska je osnovana 2013.g., prva je hrvatska craft pivovara s 12 zaposlenih, vlastitim pogonom, punionicom i ugostiteljskim objektom u kojem prezentira svoje proizvode. Analiza njihove marketinške komunikacije pokazala je opravdani fokus na digitalne kanale, a kao preporučeni
komunikacijski ciljevi prepoznati su edukacija potrošača o craft pivarstvu te učvršćivanje pozicije Zmajske pivovare kao tržišnog lidera iz perspektive potrošača. Preporučene metode realizacije tih ciljeva su razvoj video i tekstualnog sadržaja, ulaganje u PPC oglašavanje te fokus na sponzorstva i kolaboracije s predstavnicima nezavisnih scena drugih kategorija. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) In the last five years, based on a model of a similar movement in the United States of America, a new segment emerges in the Croatian beer industry – craft breweries, privately-owned small independent breweries with small-scale production which produce characteristic beer styles with the maker’s signature. The Croatian beer industry is mostly dominated by three big breweries owned by foreign corporations, and the beer style they are focusing on is lager. As a reaction to that, in year 2013
... Više first craft breweries emerged from the growing homebrewing movement. Today, there are over seventy craft breweries in Croatia, and the Excise Law has a specific “small independent brewery” category for them and similar breweries with special taxation. Craft brewery products are available in most retail chains, and their market share has also affected industrial breweries - two out of three market leaders emerged with products and brands that imitate craft, with the Zagreb brewery, the market leader in industrial brewing successfully infiltrating the craft market with its brand “Grif”, thus completing the portfolio and making it difficult for craft products to expand to new catering facilities.
The industrial segment of craft brewery was analyzed through the application of the Porter model of five competitive forces and on-line research.
According to the Porter model, it was concluded that the craft industry is a medium-attractive industry with regard to competitive forces and that its attractiveness or long-term profit potential is smaller compared to mainstream brewery, although it is growing and although the entry into the industrial segment of the craft is much easier (due to smaller input barriers). The survey was conducted on 1127 respondents, and although it was conducted on a non-referential sample, it confirmed two theses: that the Dragon Brewery holds a top-of-mind position with Croatian craft beer traders and that marketing communication is key in shaping the consumer's ability to successfully identify authentic craft beer of the suburban industrial substituents.
The Case Study analyzes the Zmajska brewery, which has been recognized as a market leader and for which research has shown to hold a top-of-mind position with consumers.
Zmajska was founded in 2013, the first Croatian craftsman with 12 employees, own drive, briquette and catering facility where he presents his products. The analysis of their marketing communications has shown a justified focus on digital channels, and as the recommended communication goals, consumer education on craft brewery is recognized and the position of Zimnica brewery as a market leader from a consumer perspective. Recommended methods of realizing these goals are the development of video and text content, PPC advertising, and the focus on sponsorship and collaboration with representatives of independent scenes of other categories. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
craft pivarstvo
Zmajska pivovara
studija slučaja
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:225:662738
Studijski program Naziv: Digitalni marketing Vrsta studija: stručni Stupanj studija: preddiplomski Akademski / stručni naziv: stručni prvostupnik digitalnog marketinga (bacc.dig.mark.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2019-04-23 17:41:29