Naslov Karakterizacija mehaničkih svojstava perforiranoga valovitoga karona u svrhu poboljšanja razdvajanja sekundarne ambalaže
Naslov (engleski) Characterization of mechanical properties of perforated corrugated cardboard in order to improve the separation of secondary packaging
Autor Iva Šarčević
Mentor Dubravko Banić (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Davor Donevski (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Jesenka Pibernik (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Urška Vrabič Brodnjak (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Grafički fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2023-5-26, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Grafička tehnologija
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 655 - Grafička industrija. Tiskarstvo. Izdavaštvo. Knjižarstvo
Sažetak Perforacije na valovitom kartonu koriste se, između ostalog, za otvaranje komercijalnog tipa
sekundarne ambalaže, tzv. ambalaže za izlaganje na police (engl. Shelf-Ready Packaging,
SRP). Upotreba spomenute ambalaža omogućava zaštitu primarne ambalaže u transportu i
skladištenju u jedinici koja je spremna za prodaju. U teoriji moguće ju je jednostavno
identificirati, otvoriti, staviti na policu i odložiti. Perforacije označavaju kombinaciju odrezanog
i neodrezanog dijela, a trebale bi
... Više omogućiti jednostavno, brzo, sigurno i estetski prihvatljivo
razdvajanje u predviđenom smjeru. Međutim, perforacije na valovitom kartonu mijenjaju
svojstva valovitoga kartona, a time i čvrstoću ambalažne kutije bitne za transport, skladištenje
i rukovanje. Jednostavno razdvajanje valovitoga kartona uvjetovano je zadržavanjem već
postojećih pozitivnih mehaničkih svojstava. Primjena različitih tipova perforacije ovisno o
njezinom pozicioniranju na stranicama kutije od valovitoga kartona predstavlja potencijal koji
bi mogao zadovoljiti zadržavanje čvrstoće ambalaže uz jednostavnije razdvajanje. U ovom radu
sustavno je istražen utjecaj varijabli perforacija na promjenu mehaničkih svojstava troslojnog
valovitoga kartona E vala. Pod varijable perforacije spadaju: tip perforacije (označeno
odrezani/neodrezani dio u mm: 1/1, 2/2, 4/2, 6/2 te 10/3.), kut pozicioniranja perforacije (kutovi
su definirani u odnosu na MD smjer: 0°, 20°, 45°, 70° i 90°) i kvaliteta perforiranoga valovitoga
kartona (pod oznakama: 111, 131, 177 i 177L). Ispitivanja su podijeljena na ona vezana za
transport i skladištenje, te ona vezana za razdvajanje. Korelacijskom analizom utvrđen je odnos
i kvantificirana povezanost različitih mehaničkih parametara valovitoga kartona s
perforacijama. Multivarijantnom analizom utvrđena je varijabla s najvećim utjecajem na
pojedino mehaničko svojstvo. Statistički povezana mjerenja omogućuju kombinaciju tipa
perforacije s najvećim utjecajem na razdvajanje te pozicioniranje pod čim većim kutom kako
bi se zadržale najveće vrijednosti kod mjerenja vezana za transport i skladištenje. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Shelf Ready Packaging (SRP) is a type of secondary packaging designed to reduce in-store
labour cost of stacking products on shelves. However, most of the problems with SRP are
involved in the area of opening and shelving. An easy opening function implies uncomplicated
handling with easy separation in a predictable and desirable manner without destroying the
structural integrity of the packaging. Perforations on corrugated cardboard are one of the ways
for easy opening of Shelf
... Više Ready Packaging. They serve as a separation line for converting the
transport packaging into the shelf-ready display tray. Obviously, the perforations on corrugated
cardboard affect the mechanical properties. Various perforations placed on different sides of
the case affect the structural integrity of the transportation box. Better insight in the mechanical
properties of perforated corrugated board would improve efficiency in designing SPR.
In this paper the change of corrugated cardboard mechanical properties was analysed under the
influence of perforations. The focus was on determining which of the explanatory variables
affect the corrugated cardboard properties the most. The explanatory variables are: Type of
perforation, Angle of perforation position and Quality of perforated corrugated cardboard. They
are used to explain the variability of the response variables, i.e. in a measured property. The
specimens with and without perforations were prepared using die cutter with machine-made
knives. Five types of perforations (labelled: 1/1, 2/2, 4/2, 6/2 and 10/3 where the first number
represents the cut part in millimetres and the second number represents the uncut part in
millimetres) were positioned in five defined angles (0°, 20°, 45°, 70°, and 90°, where 0°
represents Machine Direction, MD) and tested on four different quality of three-layer E-flute
corrugated cardboard (labelled as follows: 111, 131, 177, 177L).
Seven measurements were carried out in order to observe the behaviour of perforated
specimens. The measurements were divided into two categories: measurements related to
transport and storage: edge crush test, burst strength test, 3-point bending stiffness test in
Machine Direction and Cross Direction, and measurements related to the separation of
corrugated cardboard by perforation: tensile test: in-plane and out-of-plane, and tear test.
Statistical analysis was performed to quantify the effect of perforation variables on the change
of corrugated cardboard mechanical properties. The specimens without perforation were also
teste din the first category and compared with the perforated ones. Statistical analysis
determined and quantified the reduction in all mechanical properties of perforated corrugatedcardboard. Correlation analysis was used to statistically verify and quantify the relationship
between the obtained results. Results of edge crush test and bending stiffness test (CD) are in
positive correlation and in negative correlation with the results of bending stiffness test (MD)
while results of tensile test in-plane is in positive correlation with tear test. Both last mention
tests are in positive correlation with bending stiffness test (CD). The variable with the most
significant influence on a particular mechanical property was determined by multivariate
analysis. For the measurements in first category that are in statistically significant correlation
the analysis showed that the explanatory variable angle of perforation position was the most
influential and provided the most significant information to explain the variability on the loss
of corrugated cardboard mechanical properties. For measurements in second category the most
influential explanatory variable was variable type of perforation. Tensile out-of-plane test has
eliminated the positioning of perforation at a 45degree angle. The explanation is in fracture
mechanics - the crack propagates in the direction of the least resistance, which, in the case of
corrugated board, is in the Machine Direction. By increasing the cut portion of the perforation,
the influence of the angle on the change in the mechanical properties of the separation of
corrugated cardboard is reduced. Therefore, it is possible to maintain the existing positive
properties related to transport and storage by selecting a type of perforation with a larger cut
portion and positioning it at an angle of about 70°, while enabling the separation of corrugated
cardboard with less force. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
valoviti karton
tip perforacije
pozicioniranje perforacije
otpornost brida na pritisak
otpornost jačine pucanja
otpornost na savijanje
otpornost prema cijepanju
lom materijala
Ključne riječi (engleski)
corrugated cardboard
type of perforation
perforation position
edge crush resistance
burst strength resistance
bending stiffness
tensile strength
tear resistance
material fracture
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:527574
Studijski program Naziv: Grafičko inženjerstvo i oblikovanje grafičkih proizvoda Smjer: Tehničko-tehnološki Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: doktorski studij Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti (dr. sc. tech.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2024-04-24 21:45:19