Naslov Poboljšanje prijenosa vizualnih informacija određivanjem korisničkih preferencija boja
Naslov (engleski) Improvement of visual information conveyance by determining user color preferences
Autor Željko Bosančić
Mentor Mile Matijević (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Miroslav Mikota (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Klaudio Pap (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Krunoslav Hajdek (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Grafički fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2024-08-30, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Grafička tehnologija
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 655 - Grafička industrija. Tiskarstvo. Izdavaštvo. Knjižarstvo
Sažetak Boje su integralni dio ljudskog iskustva, s moćnim utjecajem na emocije, percepciju i
ponašanje, a u oblikovanju grafičkih proizvoda kao i u grafičkim komunikacijama općenito,
koriste se kako bi privukle pažnju, prenijele poruku, stvorile atmosferu i potaknule emocionalne
reakcije. Ključne su za izgradnju brenda i privlačenje kupaca, što povećava prepoznatljivost
brenda i pozitivno utječe na percepciju kvalitete proizvoda. Razumijevanje utjecaja različitih
boja na ljude može pomoći
... Više dizajnerima u kreiranju učinkovitijih i privlačnijih vizualnih
materijala, što u konačnici poboljšava korisničko iskustvo te je iz tog razloga njihova
promišljena upotreba nužna.
U okviru doktorskoga rada kreirano je i provedeno istraživanje na 1 000 sudionika pomno
raspoređenih po sociodemografskim kriterijima koji predstavlja strukturu nacije, a kako bi se
ustanovile njihove preferencije prema definiranim bojama. Za potrebe istraživanja odabran je
set od 24 boje koji obuhvaća boje kojima je čovjek svakodnevno okružen. Set boja se osim
osnovnih boja aditivne i suptraktivne sinteze sastoji i od 18 boja koje predstavljaju obojenje
stvari i pojava iz prirode.
Naposljetku, u radu je ispitana normalnost distribucije prikupljenih podataka Shapiro – Wilk
testom, a koji su zatim obrađeni neparametrijskim statističkim metodama Man – Whitney i
Kruskal – Wallis testovima, ovisno o broju nezavisnih varijabli. Dobiveni rezultati znanstvenog
istraživanja su pokazali kako postoji statistički značajna razlika u preferencijama pojedinih boja
ovisno o spolu i samoprocijenjenom emocionalnom stanju sudionika istraživanja, kao i o načinu
na koji im je boja prikazana.
Primjena ovih saznanja može pomoći dizajnerima poboljšati stvaranje vizualno atraktivnih i
emocionalno učinkovitih proizvoda, prilagođenih specifičnim potrebama i preferencijama
različitih korisničkih skupina. Rad doprinosi znanstvenom razumijevanju preferencija boja i
pruža korisne smjernice za praktičnu primjenu u različitim industrijama. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Colors are an integral part of the human experience, with a powerful influence on emotions,
perception, and behavior. In the design of graphic products and in graphic communications in
general, they are used to attract attention, convey a message, create atmosphere, and elicit
emotional responses. In graphic design, colors play a crucial role in attracting attention and
maintaining audience interest. They can influence mood, trigger specific reactions, and help
shape brand
... Više perception. In marketing strategies, colors are of crucial importance for building
brand identity and attracting customers, which increases brand recognition and positively
affects the perception of product quality. Understanding the impact of different colors on people
can help designers create more effective and appealing visual materials, ultimately improving
the user experience, which is why their thoughtful use is necessary.
To confirm the stated hypotheses, research was created and conducted on 1,000 participants in
the Republic of Croatia through several phases of research:
- Creating the research participants sample
- Creating the questionnaire
- Conducting the research
- Statistical analysis of collected data
The research participants sample was created in a manner that the participants were carefully
distributed according to sociodemographic criteria, i.e., gender, age, and place of residence.
This approach ensured the representativeness of the sample, meaning that the participants
represented the structure of the nation. This methodological approach ensured detailed data
collection and analysis, taking into account various regional factors that could influence the
perception and interpretation of colors in graphic communication.
When creating the questionnaire, a set of 24 colors was selected for the research purposes,
including colors that a person encounters daily. The set includes not only the basic colors of
additive and subtractive synthesis but also 18 colors representing the coloration of objects and
phenomena from nature that participants are generally surrounded by daily. At the very
beginning of the questionnaire, basic demographic questions were asked to ensure the
fulfillment of the previously defined sample of participants. Then, a question was posed inwhich participants, based on a culturally neutral, non-verbal evaluation system based on a threedimensional system of emotions, were asked to self-assess their emotional state at the time of
filling out the questionnaire. In the next part of the questionnaire, participants were presented
with 24 randomly arranged colors on the right side of the screen, which they needed to arrange
in a 6x4 grid on the left side of the screen to form their own color pattern. The next part of the
questionnaire was divided on half of the sample, where part of the participants needed to
evaluate the preference for all 24 colors by viewing the pattern they had arranged, while the
other half needed to evaluate each color individually until all 24 colors were rated.
In the next phase of the research, the questionnaire was delivered to participants electronically,
ensuring data collection in a manner that satisfied the established sample of participants.
Participants were required to complete the questionnaire on a personal computer, and it was not
possible to complete it on devices with small screens such as phones and tablets.
The research focused on analyzing color preferences among participants considering their
gender, emotional state, and the manner in which colors were presented to them. Various
statistical tools were used for analyzing the collected data. The normality of data distribution
was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test, and further processing was conducted using nonparametric statistical methods such as the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests, depending
on the number of independent variables. The Mann-Whitney test is used to compare differences
between two independent groups, while the Kruskal-Wallis test allows for analyzing variations
among more than two groups.
The scientific research results showed a statistically significant difference in the preferences for
certain colors depending on the participants' gender and self-assessed emotional state, as well
as the way the colors were presented. The research results provide useful guidelines for practical
application in various industries, including graphic product design, marketing, and similar
fields. These findings emphasize the importance of understanding different aspects of color
perception to achieve the best possible efficiency and attractiveness of graphic products.
Applying this knowledge can help designers create visually attractive and emotionally effective
graphic communications, tailored to the specific needs and preferences of different user groups.
This thesis contributes to the scientific understanding of color preferences and provides useful
guidelines for practical application in various industries. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
preferencija boje
grafički dizajn
vizualne komunikacije
korisničke preferencije
Ključne riječi (engleski)
color preference
graphic design
visual communication
user preference
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:168915
Datum promocije 2024-08-30
Studijski program Naziv: Grafičko inženjerstvo i oblikovanje grafičkih proizvoda Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: doktorski studij Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti (dr. sc. tech.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2024-09-24 09:46:22