Naslov Determinacija kvalitativnih obilježja fotografske slike
Naslov (engleski) Determination of qualitative photographic image parameters
Autor Mario Periša
Mentor Miroslav Mikota (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Nikola Mrvac (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Ivan Budimir (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Mario Tomiša (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Grafički fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2018-11-8, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Grafička tehnologija
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 655 - Grafička industrija. Tiskarstvo. Izdavaštvo. Knjižarstvo
Sažetak Istraživanja u ovom radu formirana su na integralnom modelu kao zajedničkom teorijskom
okviru, koji proizlazi iz pojma „znanosti o slici“, a može pomoći jasnijem, relevantnijem i
objektivnijem tumačenju kako u domeni kreacije, tako i interpretacije fotografske slike, za
umjetničku ili medijsku produkciju.
Cilj rada je determinirati ključna kvalitativna obilježja fotografske slike te ih dovesti u
korelaciju s promatranim stimulsima koje izaziva fotografska slika s ciljem
... Više kvantifikacije,
objektivizacije i ponovljivosti procjene fotografske slike realizirane u konkretnom medijskom
Uočavanjem problema vezanog za različito tumačenje i vrednovanje fotografske slike u procesu
grafičke reprodukcije i komunikacije (pod utjecajem određenih parametara koji proizlaze iz
različitih stručnih i znanstvenih diskursa tumačenja fotografske slike), analiza dosadašnjih
istraživanja je pokazala potrebu za sintezom i definiranjem slikovnog sustava fotografije koji
je generiran na nerazdvojivom tehničko-tehnološkom i sintaktičko-semantičkom okviru.
Deskriptivnom analizom fotografskih natječaja utvrđuju se značajke fotografske slike, koje su
utjecale na izbor i rangiranje fotografija na pojedinim natječajima. Određuje se stupanj
korelacije izbora stručnog žirija i ciljane publike. Također, u eksperimentalnom dijelu rada,
uređajem za praćenje kretanja oka i analizom podataka se utvrđuje u kojoj mjeri podražajni
stimulusi, a u kojoj mjeri viši kognitivni procesi tumačenja vizualnog podražaja, utječu na
percepciju i odluku pri izboru fotografskih slika, kao i u kojoj mjeri dobiveni rezultati izbora
najboljih fotografija s promatranih natječaja, se mogu dovesti u vezu s rezultatima uređaja za
praćenje oka. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Background: The research in this paper is based on an integrated model as a common
theoretical framework deriving from the notion of "the science of photography " and can aid in
achieving a clearer, more relevant and objective interpretations in the domains of creation and
interpretation of photographic images, both for artistic or media production.
By perceiving a problem related to the different interpretation and evaluation of a photographic
image in the process of graphic
... Više reproduction and communication (influenced by certain
parameters arising from various professional and scientific discourses of interpretation of
photographic images), the analysis of the present research has shown the need for synthesis and
definition of the image system of the photography, generated on the inseparable technicaltechnological and syntactic-semantic framework.
Goal: The goal of this paper is to determine the key qualitative features of the photographic
image and to correlate them with the observed stimuli caused by a photographic image, aiming
to quantify, objectify and repeat photographic image evaluation realized in a specific media
Methods: For the purposes of this dissertation both subjective and objective research methods
were used. Descriptive analysis of photo contests determines the features of photographic
images that have influenced the selection and ranking of photos during individual contests. The
degree of correlation between the selection of the jury and the targeted audience is also being
determined. Also, in the experimental part of the work, eye tracking device and data analysis
was used to determine to what extent the stimuli, and to what extent the higher cognitive
processes of visual stimulation interpreting, affect the perception and decision in the choice of
photographic images, and to what extent the obtained voting results of the best photographs
from the observed contests can be linked to the results of the eye tracking system.
The following research hypotheses have been created:
H1: Determining qualitative features of a photographic image increases the correlation degree
between photographic image evaluation performed by an expert and performed by a wide
targeted group of observers of the photographic image.
H2: Evaluation of a photographic image and ranking performed by experts and performed by
a wide targeted group of observers depends on technical-technological and syntactic-semanticfeatures of a photographic image.
H3: Correlation degree of a photographic image evaluation performed by experts and
performed by a wide targeted audience of observers depends on a medium, realization
environment, demographic features of subjects, context and purpose of the photographic image.
Test samples of this research were photographs applied to 9 photo contests. In the experimental
part of the paper , results of the ranked photographs from the observed contests, from experts
(members of the jury) and a convenience sample (student population) were analysed.
Research was done in 5 stages:
Stage 1– descriptive analysis of the photos nominated by expert group
Stage 2 – ranking of the nominated photos by the convenience sample
Stage 3 – measuring the compliance degree between the convenience sample and the selected
photos using the Likert scale
Stage 4 – determining the influence of the display technology to the perception of the
Stage 5 – determining a match between subjective evaluation of photos and eye tracking device
Results were gathered using a questionnaire and an eye tracking device, including 1680
observations. The questionnaire was completed by 75 subjects, 37 were men and 38 women.
Their age was between 18 and 35.
Tools of descriptive and inferential statistics were used to determine a statistical connection
between acquired data. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to assess the distribution of the data
obtained by the research. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to assess statistical
significance of the differences between samples for the group of non-parameter tests, while for
the normal sample distribution ANOVA was used for dependent samples with repeated
Results of a correlation analysis of the overall sample of the instrumental research show high
correlation between the values of saccades, fixations and observation time (Tablica 26). Also,
all correlations are statistically significant, with significance level p=0.00 0.05. Averagenumber of saccades per subject was µ = 471,970. Average number of fixations per individual
photo was µ = 21.156. Average time a subject spent on one photo was µ = 7.738 seconds.
Frequency diagram for fixations per individual photo shows that the largest number of subjects
was in the area of 10 to 20 fixations (Chapter 4.5) However, all the photos receiving better
ranking also had a significant number of fixations among 20 to 30 fixations per photo.
The results show the connection between the number of fixations and ranking of the
photograph. Photos with a higher number of fixations mostly received better ranking.
On the observed contests, the dominant was an iconic approach with the idea of copying the
existing motif, which can have connotations on higher levels of coding as well, but primarily
with simpler interpretation of the visual message. This morphological aspect comprising in
itself the technique and technology of the performance, syntax and semantics, enables a clearer
communication and transcription of the message. Those contests where the idea or the order
were dominant, showed a lesser degree of congruence within the jury (evaluation team), and
(this was evident from other stages of the research as well) those contests showed a certain
discrepancy of correlation during the ranking of the photos with the convenience sample as
well. Significant correlation among evaluation ranking performed by the convenience sample
and by the experts was also determined, considering technical-technological and syntacticsemantic features of the photographic image. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
interpretacija slike
fotografski natječaj
Ključne riječi (engleski)
eye tracker perception
photographic contest
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:064442
Studijski program Naziv: Grafičko inženjerstvo i oblikovanje grafičkih proizvoda Smjer: Tehničko-tehnološki Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: doktorski studij Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti (dr. sc. tech.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2024-04-25 21:57:45