Naslov Biologija i taksonomija triju vrsta endemskih riba donje Neretve
Naslov (engleski) Biology and taxonomy of three endemic fish species from the lower Neretva river
Autor Predrag Ivanković
Mentor Tomislav Treer (mentor)
Mentor Tea Tomljanović (komentor)
Član povjerenstva Ivica Aničić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Margita Jadan (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 268974
Član povjerenstva Roman Safner (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2016-12-05, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Poljoprivreda (agronomija)
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 638/639 - Pčelarstvo. Držanje i uzgoj kukaca. Lovstvo. Ribarstvo. Ribogojstvo
Sažetak Bosna i Hercegovina i Republika Hrvatska su poznate po postojanju brojnih endemskih vrsta i podvrsta riba, vezanih za dva velika riječna sliva, jadranski i dunavski. Rijeke jadranskog sliva znatno su kraće i izoliranije, u usporedbi s rijekama dunavskog sliva. Tako je u području donje Neretve koja pripada jadranskom slivu evidentiran određeni broj endemskih vrsta koje su nedovoljno opisane jer se njihovom ekologijom, biologijom, taksonomijom kao i njihovim međusobnim odnosom bavio mali broj
... Više istraživača. Tri vrste riba koje u tom smislu još nisu istražene su strugač (Squalius svallize), peškelj (Scardinius plotizza) i imotska masnica (Squalius microlepis). Ovim istraživanjem prvi put su opisane taksonomske i biološko-ekološke značajke navedenih riba područja donje Neretve. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti merističke i morfometrijske značajke, izraditi dužinsko-masenu i dobnu strukturu riba, von Bertanlanffyev rast, prikazati morfologiju probavnog trakta (odnos dužine probavila i totalnedužine tijela), izračunati Fultonov faktor kondicije (CF), odrediti kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav ishrane, te molekularnom analizom definirati sistematski položaj ovih triju vrsta i njihove taksonomske karakteristike naspram drugih Ciprinidnih vrsta. Istraživanje je provedeno na Deranskom jezeru i rijekama Bregavi, Krupi i Matici. Analizirano je 60 jedinki strugača, 51 jedinku makala i 55 jedinki peškelja. Dobiveni morfometrijski i meristički parametri za tri istraživane vrste upućuju na nadopunu dosadašnjih ključeva za determinaciju vrsta. Maksimalne zabilježene vrijednosti masa i totalnih dužina predstavljaju najveće zabilježene vrijednosti u dosadašnjim istraživanjima za sve tri vrste.Također, stugač, makal i peškelj postižu visoke faktore kondicije. Kod sve tri istraživane vrste konstatiran je pozitivan alometrijski rast. Strugač i makal se hrane uglavnom makrozoobentosom, iako su u njihovim probavilima u zanemarivim količinama pronađene ribe i neidentificirani biljni materijal. U probavilima peškelja iz Deranskog jezera utvrđene su alge, detritus, neidentificirana biljna i anorganska tvar, te vodeni beskralježnjaci od kojih se Crustacea i Insecta pojavljuju kroz sve četiri sezone. Molekularno genetskim analizama i dobivenim filogenetskim stablom razvidna je međusobna srodnost vrsta roda Squalius, dok se vrste roda Scardinius odvajaju kao udaljenije od njih. Rezultatima ovog istraživanja došlo se do novih spoznaja o morfometriji i meristici triju vrsta, dužinsko-masenim odnosima, ishrani, dobi i rastu, te definiranju njihovoga sistematskog položaja. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia are known for presence of numerous endemic species and subspecies of fish, associated with two major river basins, the Danube and the Adriatic. Rivers of the Adriatic basin are significantly short and isolated, compared with the rivers of the Danube basin. Thus, a certain number of insufficiently described endemic species exist in the Lower Neretva area, where a small number of researchers studied their ecology, biology, taxonomy and
... Više correlations between them. Three fish species that have not yet been studied in this respect are Neretva chub (Squalius svallize), Neretva rudd (Scardinius plotizza) and makal dace (Squalius microlepis). The objectives of the doctoral thesis are to define the systematic positions of these endemic species and their taxonomic relationships with other cyprinid species using molecular analysis, to complement the species identification keys established by morphometric and meristic parameters, to determine diet, growth according to von Bertalanffy and condition. Meristic and morphometric characteristics of the three studied fish species are identified in detail, and several differences in relation to previous studies, which can complement the current species identification keys, are established. The maximum recorded total length (TL) of the Neretva chub body was 28 cm, the maximum TL was 30.6 cm for makal dace, while the maximum TL of Neretva ruddwas 40.4 cm. The maximum body mass value of Neretva chub was 269.3 g, of makal dace313.80 g, and of Neretva rudd 1127.70 g, and these represent the highest values recorded in the studies so far. All this indicates a positive effect of the environmental conditions of the Lower Neretva on their growth. The number of scales in lateral line of Neretva chub is 47 to 49, in makal dace 67 to 75 with sporadic occurrences of numbers 66 and 76, while the numbers of scales in lateral line of Neretva rudd ranged from 38 to 42 with sporadic occurrences of numbers 37 and 43. The study of growth has shown that all three species have exceptionally fast growth in both length and mass, and reach much larger sizes than in rare past studies. They also achieve high condition factors, and thus confirm a very positive effect of environmental conditions on the growth of fish in the Lower Neretva area. The average value of condition factor of Neretva chub was CF = 0.98 0.14, of makal dace CF =0.97 0.03, and of Neretva rudd CF = 1.37 0.23. Positive allometric growth with a high b-value of b = 3.47 was found in Neretva chub and b = 3.25 in Neretva rudd, while the value registered in makal dace was b = 3.10, which also represents a positive allometric, i.e. nearly isometric growth. Stomach analysis provided evidence that the diet of Neretva chub consisted of diverse animal component with negligible plant component, where the class Insecta was the most frequent component in the diet of Neretva chub (Trichoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera). The dominant diet component in stomachs of makal dace from the Matica River were the groups Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera through all four seasons. Stomachs of Neretva rudd from Deransko Lake were found to contain algae, detritus, unidentified vegetable and inorganic matter, and aquatic invertebrates, of which Crustacea and Insecta occur through all four seasons. Molecular genetic analysis made it possible to clearly define their systematic position. In the DNA analysis, total of 15 samples from 3 different locations were sequenced. Based on the resulting phylogenetic tree, it is evident that the Squalius species are more related to each other, while Scardinius separates as more distant from them. In addition to primary objectives, secondary objectives were also achieved, providing a detailed insight into characteristics of the habitats of these fish species: physical and chemical characteristics of study area watercourses (the Rivers Bregava, Krupa and Matica, and Deransko Lake), and their climatic, hydrographic and hydrologic characteristics. Therefore, the intended scientific contribution in the scientific determination of kinship and systematic affiliation of the endemic cyprinids of Herzegovina and their detailed biological properties is also achieved, which is of exceptional importance in the European and global ichthyological research. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
donja Neretva
Ključne riječi (engleski)
the Lower Neretva
Neretva chub
makal dace
Neretvan rudd
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:671746
Studijski program Naziv: Poljoprivredne znanosti Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (dr. sc.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2017-01-25 09:59:45