Naslov Utjecaj reakcije tla na dinamiku kalija u lišću vinove loze i mineralni sastav mošta
Naslov (engleski) Influence of soil reaction on the potassium dynamics in grapevine leaves and mineral composition of must
Autor Vesna Jurkić
Mentor Lepomir Čoga (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Jasminka Karoglan-Kontić (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Zdenko Lončarić (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Marko Petek (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2017-12-18, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Poljoprivreda (agronomija)
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 633/635 - Hortikultura. Voćarstvo. Vinogradarstvo. Vrtlarstvo 663 - Industrijska mikrobiologija. Industrijska mikologija. Industrija vrenja. Industrija pića. Industrija opojnih sredstava
Sažetak Uzgoj vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L.) u Hrvatskoj ima dugu povijest i vrlo je važna
gospodarska grana, stoga su i ova istraživanja provedena u cilju doprinosa spoznaji u
kolikoj mjeri reakcija tla utječe na usvajanje i dinamiku kalija, kalcija i magnezija u lišću
vinove loze i mineralni sastav mošta. Istraživanja su provedena u razdoblju 2009.-2011.
godina na području Plešivičkog vinogorja. Temeljem preliminarnih istraživanja odabrane
su dvije lokacije za postavljanje pokusa. Na lokaciji
... Više Rečki gaj tlo je jako kisele do kisele
reakcije (pHKCl 3,54-5,01), a na lokaciji Borička tlo je alkalne reakcije (pHKCl 7,01-7,41).
Istraživana sorta bila je Sauvignon bijeli na podlozi Berlanderieri x Riparia SO4. Na svakoj
lokaciji formirano je 9 pokusnih parcela u pravilnom kvadratnom rasporedu 3 x 3 (2 reda s
20 trsova). Za praćenje dinamike K, Ca i Mg te njihovog međusobnog odnosa u lišću i
moštu, uzorci lišća uzimani su tri puta u svakoj vegetacijskoj godini u fenofazama cvatnje,
šare i berbe sa svake parcele. Uzorci tla uzimani su svake godine na početku vegetacije,
a dobiveni rezultati kemijskih svojstava nisu pokazali značajnija odstupanja u reakciji tla,
koncentracijama zamjenjivog Al3+ na kiselom tlu te % CaO na alkalnom tlu kao ni u
koncentracijama K, Ca i Mg u istraživanom razdoblju. Rezultati mineralnog sastava lišća,
u sve tri godine istraživanja, pokazali su da postoji značajan utjecaj reakcije tla, fenofaze i
godine istraživanja na koncentracije K, Ca i Mg u lišću. Veće koncentracije K utvrđene su
u lišću vinove loze na kiselom tlu (1,15-1,28 % K/ST) u odnosu na alkalno tlo (0,98-1,14 %
K/ST) dok su veće koncentracije Ca (2,54-5,11% Ca/ST) i Mg (0,45-0,50 % Mg/ST)
utvrđene na alkalnom tlu u svim godinama istraživanja u odnosu na kiselo tlo (2,27-4,36
% Ca/ST i 0,27-0,32 % Mg/ST). Veće koncentracije K na kiselom tlu mogu se dovesti u
vezu s interakcijskim odnosom Ca i K na alkalnom tlu, odnosno antagonističkim odnosom
Ca i K, koji je rezultirao slabijim usvajanjem K na alkalnom tlu. Utvrđene razlike u
koncentracijama Ca i Mg na kiselom i alkalnom tlu, mogu se dovesti u svezu s različitim
klimatskim prilikama tijekom istraživanja i njihovim utjecajem na usvajanje Ca i Mg. Na
kationski odnos K/(Ca+Mg) u lišću u sve tri godine istraživanja značajan utjecaj imala je
reakcija tla te fenofaza rasta i razvoja. Širi odnos K/(Ca+Mg) u lišću vinove loze, u svim
godinama istraživanja utvrđen je na tlu kisele reakcije (0,29-0,59) u odnosu na alkalno tlo
(0,20-0,40). Utvrđeni odnos K/(Ca+Mg) po fenofazama, neovisno o reakciji tla, najširi je u
fenofazi cvatnje (0,31-1,02) i sužava se prema berbi (0,15-0,34) u svim godinama
istraživanja. Nepovoljni kationski odnos u najvećoj mjeri rezultat je antagonizma između K
i Ca te K i Mg te nepovoljnih klimatskih prilika koje su rezultirale smanjenim usvajanjem
Ca i Mg. Rezultati mineralnog sastava mošta pokazuju da su utvrđene vrijednosti K, Ca i
Mg pod utjecajem reakcije tla, a u pojedinim godinama i klimatskih prilika. Detaljnom
analizom mineralnog sastava mošta utvrđeno je da su koncentracije Ca i Mg u moštu u
sve tri godine istraživanja veće na alkalnom tlu u odnosu na kiselo tlo. Za razliku od Ca i
Mg koncentracija K u moštu bila je veća na alkalnom tlu samo u 2009. godini dok su u
ostale dvije godine istraživanja veće koncentracije K utvrđene na kiselom tlu. Na
koncentraciju šećera u moštu, u sve tri godine istraživanja, nije značajno utjecala reakcija
tla, ali je utvrđen značajan utjecaj godine i interakcijski učinak reakcije tla i godine. Veće
koncentracije šećera u moštu u 2009. i 2010. godini bile su na alkalnom tlu (27,0 i 23,1 %
Brixa) u odnosu na kiselo tlo dok je veća koncentracija šećera u moštu (27,7 % Brixa)
utvrđena u 2011. godini na kiselom tlu. Veće koncentracije šećera u moštu na kiselom tlu
povezane su s većim koncentracijama kalija u lišću na kiselom u odnosu na alkalno tlo. U
sve tri godine istraživanja veće koncentracije ukupnih kiselina u moštu (5,08-7,03 g L-1)
bile su na tlu kisele reakcije u odnosu na alkalno tlo (4,62-6,37 g L-1). Temeljem dobivenih
rezultata može se zaključiti da je utjecaj reakcije tla i fenofaze na koncentraciju i dinamiku
kalija, kalcija i magnezija te na njihov međusobni odnos u lišću vinove loze značajan, dok
su kemijska svojstva i mineralni sastav mošta pod jačim utjecajem klimatskih prilika, osim
ukupnih kiselina koje su redovito veće na tlu kisele reakcije. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is the most widespread and the oldest cultivated plant in the
world. With its total production surpasses all other fruit species. The history of grapevine
growing in Croatia is known far in the past (about 400 years BC) too, because here is
optimal geographic position with very favorable climatic conditions for growing vines and
producing high quality wines (over 90% of the grapes is processed into wine).
Croatia is divided into two wine-growing regions:
... Više the Primorje region (with 5 subregions)
and the Continental region (with 7 subregions, including subregion Plešivica, where
research has been conducted).
Soil reaction is one of the basic soil fertility indicators because it significantly affects the
solubility and availability of nutrients to plants. Availability and uptake of nutrients are
reduced in acidic soils as well as in soils with too much lime.
Grapevine nutrition is very important measure in vineyard management because it affects
the formation of clusters, grape and wine quality, and depends on biotic and abiotic
factors. So, present research has been carried out in order to gain a better understanding
of potassium, calcium and magnesium dynamics in vine leaves and mineral composition
of must on acidic and alkaline soils.
The research was carried out in the period 2009-2011 in the area of Plešivica vine
subregion. Based on preliminary research (physico-chemical soil properties), two sites
were selected. At the site of Rečki gaj soil has a very acidic to acidic reaction (pHKCl 3.545.01),
and at Borička site soil has alkaline reaction (pHKCl 7.01-7.41). The investigated
cultivar was Sauvignon Blanc on the Berlanderieri x Riparia rootstock (SO4). At each site,
9 experimental plots were formed in a regular squared layout of 3 x 3 plots and each plot
included 2 rows of 20 vines (total of 40 vines per plot).
For the purpose of research of the dynamics of potassium, calcium and magnesium
content as well as their mutual relationship in leaves and must, from each plot leaves
samples were colected three times in each vegetation year in the phenophases of
flowering, verasion and harvest. Content of potassium, calcium and magnesium in vine
leaves samples (for all 3 samplings) were determined, while in must the mineral
composition, content of sugar and total acids were determined.
Soil samples were colected every year at the beginning of vegetation (average soil
samples in two depths (0-30 cm and 30-60 cm), at each experimental plot on both sites).
By soil samples analysis, the basic chemical soil properties and the total content of
potassium, calcium and magnesium were determined.
In addition to the above mentioned analysis, at the Rečki gaj site, the content of
replaceable aluminum was determined, while the content of total carbonate (% CaCO3)
and content of physiologically active lime (% CaO) was determined at Borička site. The
results of the chemical properties showed no significant deviations in the soil reaction,
content of mobile aluminum on acidic soil and the physiologically active lime on alkaline
soil as well as the potassium, calcium and magnesium content in the researched period.
The effect of climatic factors (temperature and precipitation) was calculated on the basis
of the data from the Jastrebarsko meteorological station located within the Jastrebarsko
Forestry Institute. The data was obtained by the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological
The results of the leaves mineral composition, in all three years of research, have shown
a significant effect of the soil reaction, phenophase and years of research on the leaves
content of potassium, calcium and magnesium. Higher vine leaves potassium content was
determined on acidic soil (1.15-1.28 % K/DW) compared to alkaline soil (0.98-1.14 %
K/DW), while higher calcium (2.54-5.11 % Ca/DW) and magnesium content (0.45-0.50 %
Mg/DW) was determined on alkaline soil during all years of research compared to acidic
soil (2.27-4.36 % Ca/DW and 0.27-0.32 % Mg/DW, respectively). Higher potassium
amount on acidic soil can be associated to antagonistic interaction of calcium and
potassium on alkaline soil, resulting in low potassium uptake on alkaline soil. Determined
differences in calcium and magnesium content on acidic and alkaline soil, can be
associated with different climatic conditions during the research and their effect on the
uptake of calcium and magnesium.
Despite the differences in the determined vine leaves content of potassium and
magnesium on the acidic and alkaline soil, potassium and magnesium values, at all
phases of development and in all three years of research, were within the limits of optimal
values (0.71-1.71% K/DW and 0.17-0.60% Mg/DW), while calcium values (5.11-6.09 %
Ca/DW) in 2009 in verasion are significantly higher than optimal (2.20-4.50 % Ca/DW).
Soil reaction and phenophase of growth and development had a significant effect on the
K/(Ca+Mg) cationic ratio in leaves in all three years of research. Wider ratio of K/(Ca+Mg)
in vine leaves in all years of research was determined on acidic soil (0.29-0.59) compared
to alkaline soil (0.20-0.40).
Determined K/(Ca+Mg) ratio by phenophases, regardless the soil reaction, is the widest in
the flowering phenophase (0.31-1.02) and narrows to harvest (0.15-0.34) in all researched
years. Inadequate cationic ratio, mostly, is result of antagonism between potassium and
calcium than potassium and magnesium, and as well as adverse climatic conditions
resulting in decreased calcium and magnesium uptake.
During all three years of research, wider average K/Ca ratio in vine leaves was
determined on acidic soil (0.31-0.67) compared to alkaline soil (0.22-0.48). In the
researched period, wider average K/Mg ratio in vine leaves was determined on acidic soil
(4.64-5.63) compared to alkaline soil (2.36-2.47). The widest ratio of K/Ca and K/Mg in
leaves was determined in the flowering phenophase in all three years of research,
regardless soil reaction, that narrows towards to the end of the vegetation.
The results of must mineral composition indicate that determined potassium, calcium and
magnesium values are affected by the soil reaction, and in certain years, by climatic
conditions too. By detailed analysis of must mineral composition, it was found that the
must calcium and magnesium contents in all three years of research were higher in
alkaline than acidic soil. Unlike calcium and magnesium, the must potassium content was
higher on alkaline soil in 2009, while in the other two researched years higher values were
determined in acidic soil. On the must sugar content, in all three years of research, no
significant effect of soil reaction was determined, but significant effect of the year and the
interaction effect of soil reaction and the year were determined. Higher must sugar content
in 2009 and 2010 was determined in alkaline soil (27.0 and 23.1 % Brix, respectively)
compared to acidic soil, while higher must sugar content (27.7 % Brix) was determined in
2011. in acidic soil. The highest must sugar content, regardless soil reaction, in 2009
(25.2 % Brix in acidic soil and 27.0 in alkaline soil), and the lowest in 2010 (21.6 % Brix in
acidic soil and 23.1 in alkaline soil) which can be explained by climatic conditions in
individual years. Namely, higher sugar content was determined in the year with the
optimal amount of precipitation (year 2009) compared to the extremely rainy year (year
2010). Climatic conditions were significantly different in 2011, which was extremely hot
and extremely dry, when determined must sugar content was significantly higher in acidic
soil (27.7 % Brix) compared to alkaline soil (22,9 % Brix). Higher must sugar content in
acidic soil in 2011 is the result of higher leaves potassium content in acidic soil compared
to alkaline soil, which is in agreement with the fact that potassium has a positive effect on
the higher accumulation of carbohydrates (sugars).
In all three researched years, higher must total acid content were determined in acidic soil
(5.08-7.03 g L-1) compared to alkaline soil (4.62-6.37 g L-1).
Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the effect of soil reaction and
phenophase on the content and dynamics of potassium, calcium and magnesium and
their mutual relationship in vine leaves is significant, while the chemical properties and
mineral composition of must are more affected by climatic conditions, except the total acid
content which are regularly higher in acidic soil. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
reakcija tla
vinova loza
Ključne riječi (engleski)
cationic ratio
soil reaction
total acid
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:414233
Studijski program Naziv: Poljoprivredne znanosti Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (dr. sc.)
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Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2018-01-15 07:23:12