Sažetak | Konkurentnost turizma te utjecaji članstva u Europskoj uniji na poslovanje i
konkurentnost hrvatskog turizma, primjenjujući metode kvantitativne analize, tematika
su koja se obrađuje u doktorskom radu s ciljem proširenja znanstvenih i aplikativnih
spoznaja o analizi konkurentnosti države kao turističke destinacije, stavljajući navedeno
u širi kontekst Europske unije. Istraživanje je usmjereno na analize, prosudbe i usporedbe
dosadašnjih, kao i procjene budućih odrednica konkurentnosti ... Više turizma u Hrvatskoj.
Teorijskim istraživanjem razmatra se koncept konkurentnosti radi detaljnijeg uvida i
dubljeg razumijevanja njegove složenosti, heterogenosti i aktualnosti u današnje vrijeme
kada su ekonomski odnosi izrazito karakterizirani snažnom kompeticijom između
pojedinaca, poduzeća i država. Radi razgraničenja temeljnih odrednica koncepta
konkurentnosti, sustavnim pregledom relevantne literature utvrđen je cijeli niz
čimbenika iz mikro- i makrookruženja, koji na različite načine utječu na konkurentske
sposobnosti. Empirijsko istraživanje, kojim je prihvaćena osnovna hipoteza rada (H0):
Pristupanje neke države u punopravno članstvo Europske unije statistički značajno
pozitivno utječe na konkurentnost i poslovanje turizma u toj državi te su glavni učinci tih
procesa dugoročni, provedeno je kvantitativnim (ekonometrijskim) istraživanjem utjecaja
odabranih makroekonomskih čimbenika na konkurentnost i ključne pokazatelje
poslovanja hrvatskog turizma, uz provođenje dijagnostičkih testova, kao i interpretaciju
rezultata empirijskog istraživanja. Procijenjeno je pet ekonometrijskih modela u funkciji
dokazivanja osnovne hipoteze rada. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da odabrani ključni
čimbenici konkurentnosti imaju statistički značajan utjecaj na konkurentske performanse
kako hrvatskog turizma, tako i turizma država članica Europske unije, koje su prilikom
analize podijeljene na „stare“ države članice (EU-15) i „nove“ države članice (NMS-12).
Rezultati doktorskog rada te spoznaje koje su proizašle iz istraživanja, doprinose
unaprjeđenju teorijskih dostignuća iz područja analize konkurentnosti turizma,
uvažavajući strateški pristup, a koji se konkretiziraju i valoriziraju kroz pozitivne učinke
integracijskih procesa u Europskoj uniji na države članice kao turističke destinacije. Sakrij dio sažetka |
Sažetak (engleski) | The competitiveness of tourism and the effects of membership in the European Union on
the business and competitiveness of Croatian tourism, applying the methods of
quantitative analysis, is a topic that is dealt with through a doctoral thesis, with the aim
of expanding scientific and applied knowledge on the analysis of the country's
competitiveness as a tourist destination, placing the above in the broader context of the
European of the Union.
Competitiveness is an extremely ... Više complex and multidimensional concept that cannot be
considered unambiguously in terms of the key factors that can provide such an advantage
to a company or state. Different forms of competition and competitiveness (natural and
economic, price and non-price, micro and macro level, national and international) are
defined differently and have different meanings in a specific context. In relation to the
approaches for the analysis of the competitiveness of the tourist destination, the doctoral
thesis considers different models and concepts for the analysis of competitiveness, with
the aim of defining econometric models in which macroeconomic variables related to the
factors that determine competitiveness are selected, in the empirical part of the research.
In accordance with the set problem and the subject of the research, the basic scientific
hypothesis of the doctoral thesis (H0) was formulated, which reads: The accession of a
country to full membership of the European Union has a statistically significantly positive
effect on the competitiveness and business of tourism in that country, and the main effects
of these processes are long-term.
Since the basic research hypothesis contains several relatively independent relations
between different variables, auxiliary hypotheses were also formulated:
PH-1: The improvement of macroeconomic conditions and competitiveness factors of the
national economy has a statistically significant and long-term positive effect on the
competitiveness of tourism.
PH-2: Economic growth in the member states of the European Union has a stimulating
effect on the business results of Croatian tourism and its competitiveness. PH-3: The increase in foreign investments and economic growth in the member states of
the European Union have a statistically significant and positive impact on the operations
and competitiveness of tourism in full member states.
Based on the set problem, subject and hypotheses of the doctoral thesis, the basic goal of
the research was defined: Systematically investigate the competitiveness of Croatian
tourism in the context of European Union tourism by applying quantitative methods of
analysis and comparison of the results of the tourism business of other European Union
countries, and based on the obtained results, define recommendations for the future.
The special objectives of the doctoral work can be observed from a theoretical, empirical
and applied point of view.
The specific objectives of the theoretical part of the research are:
▪ defining the theoretical determinants of tourism destination competitiveness at
the micro level and macro level
▪ upgrade and own interpretation of the model of competitiveness in tourism (goals,
principles, factors, ...);
▪ analysis of tourism trends in the countries of the EU and globally;
▪ evaluation of the most commonly used (scientific) quantitative methods and
techniques for the analysis of the competitiveness of tourism;
▪ application of the econometric approach in data analysis and making future
▪ synthesis of theoretical features and specifics of time series data modeling and
panel data.
The specific objectives of the empirical and applied part of the research are:
▪ quantitative and qualitative analysis of the current state of Croatian tourism with
special reference to its key competitive advantages;
▪ quantitative analysis of the impact of tourism on the national economy of Croatia;
▪ application of selected quantitative methods for analyzing the competitiveness of
Croatian tourism and comparing it with the competitiveness of selected EU
▪ quantitative and qualitative analysis of the current state of EU tourism;
▪ determining the main impacts of EU membership on Croatian tourism today and
▪ highlighting the importance of the impact of EU strategic guidelines, policies and
other measures by the European Commission on the tourism of EU member states;
▪ identifying the main goals and strategies of tourism development in Croatia;
▪ analyzing and interpreting the results of econometric research;
▪ formulating recommendations for increasing the competitiveness of Croatian
tourism based on conclusions from empirical research.
The theoretical part of the doctoral thesis serves the purpose of achieving the basic goal
and special goals of the theoretical part of the research. The concept of competitiveness
is considered, for a more detailed insight and a deeper understanding of its complexity,
heterogeneity and actuality in today's time in which economic relations are strongly
characterized by competitive relations between individuals, companies and states. The
question of how to develop successful business models in conditions of constant
uncertainty and global changes and how to build relationships that will primarily be based
on cooperation and networking, and less on fierce competition, is also brought up to date.
Partnerships can encourage innovation, the exchange of knowledge and resources, and
the creation of synergies that will strengthen the competitiveness of Croatian tourism, as
well as EU tourism.
In order to delineate the fundamental determinants of the concept of competitiveness, a
systematic review of the relevant literature identified a whole series of different factors
from the micro and macro environment, which affect competitive abilities in different
ways. Most authors are mainly focused on productivity, innovation, speed of adaptation,
costs, processes, value for customers, strategies. In the context of the European Union, the
notion and importance of strengthening competitiveness at the macro level is emphasized
through all fundamental strategic documents (Lisbon Strategy, Europe 2020 Strategy,
Next Generation EU).
As part of the empirical part of the research, an analysis of the basic statistical indicators
and business trends of Croatian tourism, as well as the tourism of other EU member states,
was performed. By looking at the above indicators, which show the continuous growth of
tourist traffic, its contribution to employment and the national economy in general through financial effects, it could be concluded that Croatian tourism is competitive,
resistant to negative environmental influences and that it represents one of the rare
segments in the national economy. an economy that can deal with international
competitors on an equal footing. However, a deeper insight and analysis of the trend of
other indicators, as well as a comparison of them with other EU countries, pointed to
certain structural problems and limitations of Croatian tourism. These are reflected in the
extremely unfavorable structure of the accommodation offer, in which family
accommodation dominates with around 65%, followed by a relatively weak positioning
in the competitiveness rankings in relation to comparable countries (according to the
TTCI report for 2019, Croatia was positioned in 15th place out of 28 EU countries),
extremely seasonally oriented business, excessive dependence of the national economy
on tourism (the share of foreign exchange income from tourism in the total GDP is 18.9%
in 2019), relatively low consumption by tourists, insufficient level of investments and
weak business - investment climate.
With the aim of consistency in the research and transparency in proving the basic and
auxiliary hypotheses, through two dynamic models of panel data with independent
variables, the impact of selected macroeconomic factors of competitiveness on the gross
added value of tourism and related activities in the member states of the European Union
was first examined, in a panel of 27 country for a 14-year time period (2006 to 2019),
with 378 observations. Both models were used to test the auxiliary hypothesis PH-3. The
"old" member states (EU-15) and the "new" member states (NMS-12) were analyzed
separately. In the first model, for the "old" member states, it was shown that the variables
of GDP change rate, inflation and exchange rate are statistically significant in the model (p
< 0.05) with the expected signs in the regression coefficients, while the foreign investment
variable was not significant. In the second model, for the "new" member states, the GDP
change rate and inflation variables also show statistical significance (p<0.05), however,
the exchange rate and foreign investment variables are not statistically significant in the
model. It is concluded that the obtained results of the two models partially confirm the
auxiliary hypothesis PH-3. Furthermore, an econometric analysis of the competitiveness
of Croatian tourism was carried out through the evaluation of three separate models,
which derive from auxiliary hypotheses PH-1 and PH-2. The empirical analysis included data for the period from the first quarter of 2001 to the first quarter of 2020, which
resulted in a total of 77 observations. The goal was to model and analyze the determinants
of business and competitiveness of Croatian tourism (approximated by the gross added
value of tourism), and at the same time to include selected factors of competitiveness in
the analysis. The variables foreign demand, investments in fixed capital, consumer price
index and interest rates showed a statistically significant influence on the gross added
value (p<0.05). Due to the importance of analyzing macroeconomic factors in the long
term, the aforementioned required the application of more complex econometric
methods, using vector autoregression (VAR model). The obtained results of all three
mentioned econometric models support auxiliary hypotheses PH-1 and PH-2. Based on
the analysis of the obtained results of the conducted quantitative research, it is concluded
that the basic hypothesis of the doctoral thesis is fully accepted. Two auxiliary hypotheses
(PH-1 and PH-2) fully support the basic hypothesis, while auxiliary hypothesis PH-3
partially supports it.
Based on the indicators of the competitiveness analysis of Croatian tourism, strategic
guidelines for the future development of Croatian tourism were formulated. It is
concluded that tourism can represent a unique national economic cluster with which it is
realistically possible to strengthen national competitiveness. In the era of globalization,
new possibilities of technological development, sophisticated products, in the future it
should strive to strengthen the offer of innovative, creative, recognizable tourist products
with more added value, such as tourist products that offer a set of unique experiences
related to the destination - natural beauty, culture, heritage, autochthonous local
gastronomy, manifestations etc. It is also necessary to encourage the resident population,
especially in continental part of Country, to actively participate in the development of
sustainable tourism by starting entrepreneurial initiatives. As a member of the European
Union, Croatia has at its disposal European non-refundable financial resources that can
be an important lever in the realization of the previously mentioned activities.
In the final part of the doctoral thesis, a conclusion is given in which the key results of the
research are presented, as well as the literature, a list of pictures, tables and diagrams.
The results of this research and the knowledge gained through it contribute to the
improvement of theoretical achievements in the field of tourism competitiveness analysis and a better understanding of the effects of membership in the European Union in the
field of tourism. Sakrij dio sažetka |