Autor Ivana Pipal
Mentor Zvonko Stojević (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Jasna Aladrović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Mario Mitak (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Silvijo Vince (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Veterinarski fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2018-03-01, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO Veterinarska medicina Temeljne i pretkliničke veterinarske znanosti
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 636.09 - Veterinarska medicina
Sažetak Praćenjem biokemijskih pokazatelja u krvi istražen je energetski metabolizam u krava i njihove teladi tijekom ranog puerperija i neonatalnog razdoblja. Istraživanje je provedeno na kravama simentalske pasmine (N=13) i njihovoj teladi (N=13). Krv za analizu uzimana je punkcijom vratne vene (v. jugularis externa) 6, 12 i 48 sati te 7, 14 i 30 dana nakon porođaja. U serumu su određene koncentracije: glukoze, ukupnih bjelančevina, albumina, ureje, triglicerida, ukupnog kolesterola, kolesterola
... Više vezanog na lipoproteine visoke gustoće (engl. high density lipoproteins, HDL), kolesterola vezanog na lipoproteine male gustoće (engl. low density lipoproteins, LDL), beta hidroksimaslačne kiseline (engl. beta hydroxybutyrate, BHB), neesterificiranih masnih kiselina (eng. non-esterified fatty acids, NEFA), inzulina i inzulinu sličnog čimbenika rasta I (eng. insulin like grow facotor I, IGF-I). Rezultati pokusa pokazali su značajno smanjenje koncentracije glukoze u krvnom serumu krava tijekom pokusnog razdoblja uz istovremeni porast glukoze u serumu teladi u odnosu na početak istraživanja (p<0,05). Koncentracija ukupnih bjelančevina u krvnom serumu krava bila je ujednačena tijekom pokusnog razdoblja, dok se koncentracija albumina smanjivala od sedmog dana (p<0,05). Istovremeno, koncentracija ukupnih bjelančevina u krvnom serumu teladi značajno raste do sedmog dana starosti (p<0,05), a koncentracija albumina značajno raste od četrnaestog dana pokusa (p<0,05). Koncentracija ureje u serumu krava značajno se smanjila do četrdeset osmog sata po porođaju (p<0,05). Koncentracija ureje u serumu teladi značajno je porasla sedmog dana (p<0,05), a nakon toga značajno se smanjila tridesetog dana (p<0,05). Koncentracija triglicerida u krvnom serumu krava značajno se smanjuje 48 sati po porođaju (p<0,05), a sedmi dan značajno poraste do vrijednosti na početku pokusa (p<0,05). Koncentracija triglicerida u krvnom serumu teladi nije se značajno mijenjala tijekom pokusnog razdoblja. Koncentracija ukupnog kolesterola u krvi krava bilježi značajan porast od četrnaestog dana po porođaju do kraja pokusa (p<0,05). U teladi koncentracija ukupnog kolesterola značajno raste tijekom istraživanja (p<0,05). Koncentracija HDL kolesterola u serumu krava se značajno smanjuje do četrdeset osmog sata po porođaju (p<0,05), a 30. dana bilježi značajan porast (p<0,05). U krvnom serumu teladi izmjerena koncentracija HDL kolesterola značajno raste od četrdeset osmog sata pa do kraja pokusa (p<0,05). Koncentracija LDL kolesterola u krvnom serumu krava značajno raste od sedmog do tridesetog dana po porođaju (p<0,05). Koncentracija LDL
kolesterola u teladi značajno raste od dvanaestog sata po porođaju pa do kraja pokusnog razdoblja (p<0,05). Izmjerene vrijednosti BHB u krvnom serumu krava bilježi značajan pad tridesetog dana (p<0,05). Koncentracija BHB u krvnom serumu teladi su ujednačene tijekom pokusnog razdoblja. Koncentracija NEFA u krvnom serumu krava je ujednačena do četrnaestog dana, a tridesetog dana bilježi se značajno smanjenje u odnosu na četrdeset osam sati. (p<0,05). U krvi teladi koncentracija NEFA značajno pada od početka pokusnog razdoblja do četrnaestog dana (p<0,05), a potom bilježi blagi porast do tridesetog dana po porođaju. Koncentracija inzulina u serumu krava značajno se smanjila sedmog i četrnaestog dana istraživanja u odnosu na početne vrijednosti (p<0,05). Koncentracija inzulina u serumu teladi ne pokazuje značajne razlike . Koncentracije IGF-I u krvi krava nisu pokazale značajne razlike između istraživanih razdoblja. Koncentracije IGF-I u krvi teladi pokazuju značajno smanjenje (p<0,05) 12. sata po porođaju uz značajan porast (p<0,05) četrdeset i osmog sata i održavanje na sličnim koncentracijama do četrnaestog dana. Rezultati kretanja istraživanih pokazatelja u krvnom serumu krava i njihove teladi ukazuju na brze i značajne promjene u energetskom metabolizmu u prvim satima po porođaju. Rano neonatalno razdoblje uglavnom se razlikuje po biokemijskim pokazateljema od onog poslije sedmog ili četrnaestog dana što se pripisuje intenzivnijem energetskom metabolizmu i većim potrebama za supstratom u kasnijoj fazi. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) The metabolic reactions in every organism are strongly related to the enzyme activity and energy input. The only source of energy in living cells is ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The substrate for energy metabolism enters the organism through food. For the same processes, body reserves such as glycogen, fat and proteins, can also be used. Energy needs are not always the same. Highly-productive animals, especially dairy cows, have high energy demands immediately after delivery due to
... Više increased milk production (lactogenesis). After birth, calf is physically separated from the placenta as a source of components needed for growth and development and is dependent on milk. For cow, delivery is energetically the most demanding period, where biochemical processes will use components from the digestive system, as well as storage depot for the purpose of milk synthesis. Using the trends of specific blood metabolites concentration, energy metabolism can be estimated with great precision. Indeed, the shifting of biochemical reactions to pathological state, makes biochemical blood tests useful for diagnostic purposes.
Energy metabolism in cows and calves during early puerperium and early neonatal period were investigated by monitoring of biochemical parameters in blood. The study was conducted on cows (N=13) and their calves (N=13) of the Simmental breed. Blood samples were taken by jugular vein puncture (v. jugularis externa) at 6, 12 and 48 hours and 7, 14 and 30 days after calving. Serum samples were assayed for glucose, total protein, albumin, urea, triacylglycerols, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), β hydroxybutirate acid (BHB), non esterified fatty acids (NEFA), insulin and insulin like grow facotor I (IGF-I) concentrations.
Results showed a significant decrease of serum glucose concentration of cows during the study periods accompanied by an increase in serum glucose of calves compared to the beginning of the study (P <0.05). Concentration of total proteins in the serum of cows was uniform throughout the experimental period, while the concentration of albumin showed a significant decrease from the 7th day onward (P <0.05). At the same time, the concentration of total proteins in serum of calves was significantly increased up to the 7 day after birth, while concentration of serum albumin was significantly increased
from the 14 day of the research period (P <0.05). Concentration of urea in serum of cows was significantly decreased to 48 hour after birth (P <0.05). The urea concentration in serum of calves was significantly increased on the 7 day (P<0.05) and then significantly decreased on the 30 day after birth (P<0.05). The concentration of triglycerides in the serum of the cows were significantly reduced 48 hours after birth (P <0.05) and than was significantly increased at 7 day after birth up to the value recorded at the beginning of the experiment (P <0.05). The concentration of triglycerides in the serum of calves showed no significant difference during the experimental period. Concentration of total cholesterol in the serum of cows showed a significant increase from the 7 day after birth until the end of the investigated period (P<0.05). In calves, the concentration of total cholesterol has been significantly increasing during the study (P<0.05). Concentration of HDL cholesterol in the serum of cows showed a significant decrease up to 48 hour after birth, unlike 30 day after birth, when HDL cholesterol showed significant increase (P<0.05). The concentration of LDL cholesterol in serum of cows was significantly increased from the 7 until 30 day after birth (P<0.05). The concentration of LDL cholesterol in serum of calves was significantly increased from 12 hour after birth until the end of the study period (P<0.05). Concentration of BHB in serum of cows and calves were uniform during the study. Concentration of NEFA in the serum of cows was uniformed up to 14 day after birth, while at 30 day after birth concentration showed significant decrease compared to 48 hour after birth (P<0.05). In the serum of calves NEFA concentration was significantly lower starting at the beginning of the study period until the 14 day after birth (P<0.05), followed by a mild increase up to 30 day after birth. Serum insulin concentration was significantly decreased at the 7 and 14 day after birth compared to the concentration recorded at the beginning of the study (P<0.05). Insulin concentration in serum of calves showed no significant difference during investigated periods. The concentration of IGF-I in the serum of cows showed no significant differences. Concentration of IGF-1 in serum of calves showed a significant decrease (P<0.05) at 12 hour after birth followed by a significant increase 48 hour after birth and than stayed on similar values until 14 day after birth. The results of the investigated parameters in the blood serum of cows and their calves indicate rapid and significant changes in energy metabolism in the first hours after birth. The early neonatal period
mainly differs in biochemical parameters compared to the 7 or 14 day, which is attributed to more intense energy metabolism and higher substrate requirements at a later stage. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
energetski metabolizam
krvni biokemijski pokazatelji
Ključne riječi (engleski)
energy metabolism
blood biochemical parameters
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:317961
Datum promocije 2018
Studijski program Naziv: Fiziologija domaćih životinja Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski znanstveni (doktorski) Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti (dr. sc.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Opseg 150
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2021-02-17 09:29:57