Sažetak | Hrvatski nogometni klub Hajduk je u drugoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća imao svojih uspona i padova. Teško je pobrojati sve uspjehe jer ih je stvarno bilo mnogo, pogotovo u sedamdesetima, te u prvoj polovici pedesetih i devedesetih. U nekoliko poglavlja prikazani su događaji koji su obilježili Hajdukovu povijest u drugoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća. Od samog početka Hajduk je vodio borbu protiv novoosnovanih režimskih klubova iz metropole, kako na terenu tako i van njega. Oni su za razliku od ... Više Hajduka bili privilegiraniji u očima saveza pa su se odmah pojavili prvi problemi. Zbog maćehinskog odnosa digao se kapetan Frane Matošić, ali i sam Hajduk protestirajući na odluke saveza kojima su zakidali klub i igrače. Sve teškoće i nepravde s kojima se susretao Hajduk nisu ga pokolebale već su ga samo dodatno ojačavale. U Hajdukov identitet je od samog osnutka bio ugrađen gen “prkos moćnome” pa tako on nije izostao ni ovog puta. Taj prkos i poznati dalmatinski dišpet pokazali su navijači okupljeni pod imenom “Torcida” 29. listopada 1950. godine na utakmici protiv Crvene Zvezde. Osim što su suci zakidali Bile na terenu, savez je zakidao igrače Hajduka nepozivanjem u reprezentaciju. Upravo zbog svoje izjave Matošić više nije dobivao pozive u reprezentaciju. Savez se nije iskazao ni 1951. godine kada je zakinuo Hajduk za sudjelovanje na Britanskom festivalu, a ni godinu kasnije kada zbog nepravedne raspodjele novca Hajduk prijeti ne igranjem prvenstva. Te 1952. godine dogodit će se i još jedna nova nepravda kada će Hajduk morat igrati dvije utakmice s juniorima. Godinu poslije će biti opet nepravedno kažnjen, a igrači iz protesta neće odigrati utakmicu protiv Sarajeva.Hajduk je kroz svoju povijest odigrao veliki broj utakmica, a među njima je bilo i nekih kontroverznih. Pitanje kontroverzi povlači se kod utakmica na kojima je bilo sumnji u namještanje, te na one za koje se zna da su namještene. Bilo je tu i puštanja koja su dogovorili međusobno igrači, kao i pokušaja puštanja pojedinaca. Utakmice su to koje nisu na ponos i o kojima se tako često i ne priča. Za razliku od tih događaja svi se uvijek rado vole prisjetiti poštenja Zlatka Papeca – jednog od najsvjetlijih događaja iz Hajdukove prošlosti. U današnje vrijeme kada je nogomet makijaveliziran, kada se igrači koriste svim sredstvima da dođu do pobjede ovaj bi iznimni potez zasigurno dobio nagradu za Fair play godine. On je na utakmici protiv drugoligaša u regularnom vremenu priznao da je igrao rukom prilikom postizanja zgoditka. Hajduk je na kraju tu utakmicu izgubio u produžecima. Ne pamti se da je istinoljublje jednog igrača lišilo njegov klub tako velikog trofeja kojega je Hajduk godinama želio. Ipak, nitko od igrača i navijača nije zamjerio Papecu, već su ga isticali kao primjer u koji se treba ugledati. Osim utakmice s Crvenom Zvezdom iz 1950. godine koja ima posebno značenje, Hajduk je odigrao još mnoštvo utakmica koje se pamte. Prva polovica pedesetih i devedesetih godina bila je iznimno uspješna, ali ipak niti jedno desetljeće ne može po broju trofeja nadmašiti sedamdesete. Hajdukovo zlatno razdoblje donijelo je devet trofeja. Hajduk je osvojio četiri prvenstva, a u trofejnu salu je spremio i pet kupova zaredom. U drugoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća klub je proživljavao svoje najveće uspjehe u Europi. Pet četvrtfinala i dva polufinala najdalje je gdje su Bili došli u europskim natjecanjima. S obzirom na kvalitetu momčadi i rezultate prvih utakmica neki od tih uspjeha se mogu okarakterizirati i kao neuspjesi. Hajduk je uvijek bio tako blizu da preskoči još jednu stepenicu više, ali gol u gostima bi ga zaustavio. Uvijek je nedostajao taj jedan gol za prolazak. Od kada je nogometa, od tada je i nereda te incidenata na i oko travnjaka. U drugoj polovici prošlog stoljeća u jugoslavenskoj nogometnoj ligi rijetke su bile utakmice koje su prolazile bez incidenata. Najčešći su bili sukobi igrača na terenu, napadi igrača na suce te pojedinačni incidenti s tribina. Velikih sukoba između navijača gotovo nije ni bilo sve do osamdesetih godina. Razlog leži u činjenici koja govori da su do tada jedini organizirani navijači bili oni Hajdukovi. Oni su išli na sva gostovanja i vjerno su pratili Bile u Beogradu, Zagrebu, Skoplju, Ljubljani, Novom Sadu itd. Drugih navijačkih skupina nije bilo pa tako nije bilo mogućnosti da dođe do velikih međusobnih sukoba. Uvijek su postojali neki manji i pojedinačni incidenti između navijača Hajduka i domaćih simpatizera (pogotovo u Mostaru), ali se oni nikada nisu manifestirali u velike sukobe i nerede. Često su se takvi incidenti zataškavali i o njima mediji nisu izvještavali kao što je to slučaj danas. Pojavom drugih navijačkih skupina kroz osamdesete godine dolazi i do prvih većih međusobnih sukoba. Sakrij dio sažetka |
Sažetak (engleski) | Croatian football club Hajduk had its ups and downs in the second half of the twentieth century. Due to their numbers, it is difficult to count all of their achievements, especially the ones form the seventies and the first half of the fifties and nineties. The events that marked the history of Hajduk in the second half of the twentieth century are described in several chapters. From the very beginning Hajduk fought against newly established regiment clubs from the metropolis, both on and off ... Više the field. They were privileged in the eyes of the FA, as opposed to Hajduk, so their first problems emerged right away. Because of the various double standards by the FA, captain Frane Matošić stood up, along with Hajduk itself, protesting against the decisions of the association which directly went against the interests of both the club and the players. All the difficulties and the injustice that Hajduk had to face did not unhinge it, they only served to further unify the club as an institution. Hajduk’s identity always contained the gene of “defiance to the more powerful”, and this case was no different either. Defiance and the idea of doing things in spite of a dominant, often unfair concept is a well-known attribute related to the people from Dalmatia. It came to light once again from the ranks of the vocal fans called “Torcida”, specifically on the October 29, 1950, at the match against the Crvena Zvezda. Besides the referees heavily cutting back Bili on the field, the FA was systematically undermining the Hajduk players' by not inviting them to the national team squad. Matošić was unofficially excluded from the Yugoslav national team for good, and according to various sources, it was strictly because of his controversial statement. The FA made yet another decision that went against the interests of Hajduk as a club; it happened back in 1951, when they were ready to participate at The Festival of Britain but subsequently couldn't end up there because of the pressure imposed by the FA. A year later Hajduk also threatened with a open boycott of the championship because of the unfair distribution of the funds. Injustice struck once again when in 1952 Hajduk had to play two matches only fielding their youth players due to another controversial decision. A year later, they got sanctioned again, and the players refused to play the game against Sarajevo. Throughout its history, Hajduk has played a large number of matches, and surely enough, some were extremely controversial. The issue of controversy was present in matches where there was suspicion in them being rigged, and/or those that are actually known to have rigged. Some of them were arranged by players and others by certain individuals. Those matches are not the kind that brings pride and gets talked about a lot. Unlike those events, everyone always remembers with fondness the sportmanship of Zlatko Papec – one of the silver linings of Hajduk’s history. Nowadays, when football is filled with Machiavellianism, when players use all means to get to the victory, this exceptional move would most certainly get the Fair play award of the year. At the match against a second division team, he admitted to have used his arm while scoring a goal. The match went on to extra time because of that, where Hajduk managed to lose the tie. It is not widely remembered because the veracity of a certain player deprived his team of such an important trophy that Hajduk longed for years. Nevertheless, none of the players and fans resented Pepec for that, but set him as an example that everyone should look up to. Besides the match with Crvena Zvezda from 1950, which has a special meaning, Hajduk played a number of other matches that are very well remembered. First half of the fifties and nineties was extremely successful, yet not one decade can surpass the seventies when it comes to the number of trophies. Hajduk’s golden era brought a tally of nine trophies; they won four championships and added five cups in their trophy halls. In the second half of the twentieth century, the club went through its best triumphs in Europe. Five quarterfinals and two semi-finals are the farthest Bili got in the European competitions. Considering the quality of the teams and results of the first legs, some of those triumphs can be characterised as failures. Hajduk was always so close to going to the next step, but bizarrely enough, often the away goal stood in the way of progress. They were 'always short of that one goal', as one legendary fan managed to put it. Since the very begginings of football as a game riots and incidents on and off the field were a dark, but a constant presence. In the second half of the last century, in the Yugoslav football league, matches without any type of incident were indeed rare. The most common were conflicts between players in the field, players assaulting the referees, and other various incidents at the stands. Yet there were no largescale conflicts between the opposing sets fans until the eighties. The reason for that is the fact that, until then, the only organised group of fans were the ones following Hajduk and Partizan Belgrade later on. Hajduk fans even in the early stage of fan-culture development went to all away games and faithfully followed Bili to cities like Belgrade, Zagreb, Skopje, Ljubljana, Novi Sad, etc. There were no other groups of fans present, so the possibility of large conflicts was not real. Recordings of some smaller and isolated incidents between the fans of Hajduk and home supporters – especially in Mostar – were noted, but they never manifested into larger conflicts and riots. Such incidents were often covered up and media did give them significance as it's the case today. But during the eighties, when a number of organised fan movements started to unveil around Yugoslavia, the rise of fan-related violence was duly at hand. Sakrij dio sažetka |