Sažetak | Crkva Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije u Katunima je stara župna crkva današnje župe Katuni-Kreševo, poznatije pod imenom župa Radobilja. Ima bogatu povijest, a neki se ostaci pronađeni ispod i u blizini same građevine, koja datira iz 18. stoljeća, smještaju se u ranokršćanski period. Stoga nije ni čudno kako stanovništvo ovoga kraja crkvu smatra najvrjednijim spomenikom i podsjetnikom na nekoć veliku i drevnu radobiljsku župu. Crkva, iako jednostavnog tlocrta i izvedbe, krije bogatstvo ... Više inventara, a najstarije bogoslužne predmete datiramo u srednjovjekovno doba. Značenje i vrijednost crkve prepoznao je Konzervatorski odjel u Imotskom, a na veselje stanovnika Katuna i Kreševa, trenutno se nalazi pod projektom obnove koji je započeo 2012. godine. Sakrij dio sažetka |
Sažetak (engleski) | Church in Katuni is an old parish church of discrict Katuni-Kreševo, better known as discrict Radobilja. Since when it is there, we don't know, because the objects found in it's vicinity testify about it's early christian origin. The main thing is that building we see today was built in XVIII. century and we follow it's development from there. As we do not know the exact date on which it was built, the exact year of founding the Radobilja district is no clearer. First time it was ... Više mentioned was in the year 1382., when it's mentioned as a gift to a noble family Nenadić, and the mentioning of the discrict may lead us to the thinking that christian object was needed there. Ottoman empire and it's subjects who were pillaging the district area, made the development of it almost impossible. That is neither something new or particularly strange, as history told us numerous times before. Split's archbishop Stjepan Cupilli grasped our imagination by mentioning the district church in his visitations as a antichissima, meaning it is nine ages old. The archbishop passed trough the district area twice; in 1711. and in 1718., confirming the accuracy of archaeological findings with his datation. Even today we consider that on the place of today's church, or in it's vicinity, after the spread of Christianity troughout Dalmatia, the church was built, although, for that part of history we have no proof. Geographical characteristics, such as proximity of fresh water and the strategic position, point at some very early activity, even in bronze age. Evidence of that are late bronze area gradine and a few of archaeological findings which should not be overlooked. Radobilja district was troughout it's history, and it still is today, bounded by two larger districts, Poljica, or Republic of Poljica, and Imotska Krajina. As such, it was often found on the frontlines of wars, but trading routes have not avoided it neither, thus it changed it's borders to be reduced to today's three villages: Šestanovac, Katuni and Kreševo. The district blossomed with the retreat of Ottoman army, so believers fixed up the church little by little, and so in the 18th and 19th century the church was arranged with new and modern art. Chuch was built in two phases (three if we count renewal of the apse) and that is easily visible if you observe the walls of the building where you can see different stone incorporated in church. In its first phase the old part of the church (the one before 1718.) was renewed, so we can talk about renewal of the apse. After that, the building was spreading to the west. The year who testify first important phase of the rebuilding/renewal of the church is 1722. In that year new portal was incorporated to the church. During that renewal the tombstones were incorporated into walls of the church. They were found in the vicinity of the building. We are talking about years 1718.- 1722. Next important year is 1766. when new bell tower was set up. So the second fase of renewal is 1722.-1766. Then the church got its prolongation and the northern annex. Josip Ante Soldo mentioned that the church had one more important year and that is 1745. when the bell from Venice arrived. Its final form church has gotten 1780. when rosette was build in. Longitudinal rectangular church form with rectangular apse and nothern annex is still here today. Entering the building it is easy to see its single navity and visual compatibility. Iti s divided between three parts who are connected: apse, nothern annex and main nave. The first inventory list for this church is dated in the year 1742. It testifies that the church was well equipped with liturgical furniture and liturgical accessories. At the time, the church had as many as three altairs, three paintings and gilded ili gold plated tabernacle. Further on, at the year 1759., believers order a painting from an artist Filippo Naldi called "Posljednji sud" (eng. „The last judgement“), and a year later another two paintings which have not been preserved. A decade later, they changed the old wooden altair with a new marble one. Thus in year 1774., from the Bruttapelle workshop a new marble tabernacle was acquired, and the rest of the altair was acquired in time. Special celebration was in order when they bought two statues from Venice. For the locals that meant that their church was as the ones that are found in the cities. Today's inventory has some parts of the 1742. inventory. Great number of chalices was preserved as are the two side altairs. From later fix ups we still have the Fillipo Naldi painting, as we still have the main marble altair and two altairs overside and six statues acquired troughout the years. In the church there are three more paintings: st. John of Nepomuk (XIX. century), and The Sacred heart of Jesus and Sacred heart of Mary (both from 1857.). Main altair and the overside ones are from workshop of Bruttapelle, and the fourth altair is from workshop Bilinić from Split (1915.). The most valuable piece of art in this church are three marble baroque altairs, painting The last Judgement and the numerous liturgical dishes with the gothic chalice as the most valuable one. Until the construction of the new church, which was dedicated as Mediatrix of All Graces 1970., the old district church was in function. If we presume it's early christian origin, which we mention multiple times, we are talking about a church in wich liturgy was held for over a millennium. As impresive as it is, it puts us in need to further the research of Radobilja area and all of Dalmatian hinterland. In the hug of mountains Mosor and Biokovo great art was paid with the work of fair peasants hands. It is worth to explore it. Sakrij dio sažetka |