Naslov Opažajno epidemiološko istraživanje pojave čedomorstva počinjenog na području Republike Hrvatske od 1998. do 2012. godine
Autor Valeria Štefulić
Mentor Marija Definis-Gojanović (mentor)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Splitu Medicinski fakultet Split
Datum i država obrane 2013, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO Kliničke medicinske znanosti Sudska medicina
Sažetak Čedomorstvo je čin ubojstva novorođenog djeteta od strane same majke. To je čin u
suprotnosti sa svim biološkim i evolucijskim nagonima. Danas se prilično rijetko susrećemo s
tim, a diljem javnosti se javlja snažna i jednoglasna osuda takvog postupka. Ipak, izuzev
policijske istrage nužne za procesuiranje počiniteljica, postoji prilično malo istraživanja koji bi
ukazali na uzroke takvog postupka i pružili nam oslonac za razvijanje metoda sprječavanja
takvih događaja u budućnosti.
Ovim se radom
... Više pokušalo utvrditi najčešće uzroke koji stoje iza činova čedomorstava
počinjenih u razdoblju između 1998. i 2012. godine na području Republike Hrvatske.
Proučavana su psihološka, ekonomska i socijalna stanja majki-čedomorki kako bi se uočio
uzorak koji bi mogao upućivati na patogenezu koja prethodi samom činu čedomorstva.
Korištenjem opisne statistike, usporedili su se anamnestički, klinički i kriminalistički podaci
dobiveni iz pravnih i medicinskih arhiva. U obzir su se uzeli dob, prebivalište, socioekonomsko
stanje, psihološka stabilnost, bračni status i paritet žena, a također su se usporedili i načini samog
ubojstva, postupak sa tijelom djeteta, kazneni postupak i određene kazne.
Rezultati su ukazali na to da je 56% čedomorstava bilo izvršeno u kasno proljeće i rano
ljeto. U području uz rijeku Savu ih je bilo počinjeno 50%. Po spolovima nešto je prednjačila
novorođenčad muškog spola (56%), dok je jasan udio prvorođenčadi (49%). Iako je prosječna
dob majki čedomorki iznosila 26.3 godina, najmanje čedomorstava se dogodilo upravo u dobi
između 25 i 35 godina (18%), dok su prednjačile žene između 22 i 24 godine (21%), te između
39 i 41 godinu (28%). Od majki je 90% bilo financijski ovisno o partneru ili obitelji, ili su bile u
teškom socioekonomskom stanju. Od svih žena neudanih je bilo 58%. Vrlo je malo trudnoća
proteklo bez da je majka znala za to (9%), dok je okolina u 39% slučajeva tvrdila kako ništa nisu
znali. Trudnoće i porodi su se u 97% slučajeva odvili bez medicinske skrbi. Čedomorstva su u
66% slučajeva bila izvršena aktivnim djelovanjem majke, a tijela su u 58% slučajeva bivala
skrivena. Od počiniteljica 85% ih je bilo kazneno gonjeno, a kazna je bila dosuđena u 68% njih.
U 19% slučajeva bilo je dosuđeno isključivo psihijatrijsko liječenje.
Jasno je, dakle, kako su počiniteljice čedomorstava najčešće rodilje mlađe ili starije dobne
skupine od prosjeka, loših socioekonomskih uvjeta, te ili pod snažnim pritiskom ili prijetnjom
osude okoline. Sudeći prema malom postotku medicinski nadziranih trudnoća, očigledno je da ih
se većina na ovako radikalno rješenje odlučila vrlo brzo po saznanju trudnoće. Pri određivanju
kazne, čedomorstvo je redovito bilo smatrano ubojstvom pod olakotnim okolnostima te su
uvjetne kazne i psihijatrijska liječenja bile više pravilo, nego iznimka. Jasna je potreba za boljom
organizacijom sustava podrške kroz potpuniju edukaciju, dostupnije informacije o planiranju
obitelji, te u krajnjem slučaju omogućavanjem skrbi nad djetetom, bilo kroz ispomoć majci ili
cjelokupnu institucionalizaciju djeteta, sa ili bez posvajanja kao mogućnosti. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Neonaticide is an act of murder of a newborn child comitted by the mother of the child
herself. It is an act in a complete opposition to every biological and evolutionary instinct. Today,
however, it is relatively rare, though principally confronted by a wide and unanimous conviction.
However, with an exception of a criminal investigation necessary for the processing of the
subject of fellony, there is a marked scarcity of research that would point toward the essential
causes of such an act
... Više and provide a basis for the development of methods usable in the
prevention of those incidents futurewise.
This research attempted to asses the most common causes of this act on the territory of the
Republic of Croatia in the period between 1998.-2012. Psychological, economical and
sociological conditions of every neonaticidal mother was assesed in order to percieve a possible
pattern that would implicate a possible unique pathogenesis standing behind the development of
the act of neonaticide. By using the methods of descriptive statistics, anamnestic, clinical and
criminalistic data, gained from the legal and medical databases, was compared. Age, location,
socioeconomic condition, psychological stability, marital status and parity were taken into
consideration, also comparing modes of the murder, treatment of the body , legal procedures and
the modes of conviction.
Results show that 56% of neonaticides were comitted in a trimenonial period between late
spring and early summer, also that 50% of them were located in the close proximity of the river
Sava. Of all the neonates, 49% was firstborn and 56% of the neonates were male. Even though
the mathematical average of the maternal age was 26.3 years, the period between 25 and 35 years
of age was the leat likely (18%) to end in neonaticide, while the mothers age 22-24 and 39-41
had the highes record of committed neonaticides, 21% and 28% respectively. Mothers were in
90% of the cases in harsh socioeconomic situation, financially dependent of their partners, natal
family or unemployed, while 58% of them were unmarried. Very few of all pregnancies went
unsuspected by the mother (9%), while in 39% of all the inquired cases, the people closest to the
mother claimed to have no information regarding the state of the woman. The pregnancies and
deliveries were conducted without any form of mediacal assistance in 97% of all the cases.
Neonaticides were committed in an active mode in 66% of cases, while the bodies were hidden
in 58% of them. Legal persecution followed in 85% of cases, and 68% of women were convicted according to the law. Of all the cases 19% were concluded with the mothers being sentenced
exclusively to psychiatric treatment.
It is clear, therefore, that the mothers who commit neonaticide are most likely to be either
younger or older than those in the zenith of pregnancy and childbirth. Most likely, they are
coming from a bad socioeconomic background and are either living under a strong influence of
the immediate surroundings or experiencing a constant fear of being discarded by those around
them. Judging from the low percentage of medically controlled pregnancies, it is clear that most
of these women have decided upon the outcome of their pregnancies fairly soon after realizing
the existance of their pregnancies.
Considering the conviction, neonaticide was almost regulary considered a crime under
extenuating circumstances, therefore probational sentencing and psychiatric commitments
remained more of a rule, than exception. In the view of prevention, it is painfully obvious that
there is a strong need for an extensive organization of a network of support. It is necessary to
provide better care for the mothers through better education, promoting accesible methods of
family planning, and, in certain circumstances, allowing for a direct assistance in childcare. Also,
in order to prevent the worst outcomes, it might be useful to provide a more discreet access to the
institutionalization of the child, regardless of the adoptional possibilities. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
Ključne riječi (engleski)
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:784472
Studijski program Naziv: Medicina Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica medicine (dr. med.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Pristup korisnicima matične ustanove
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2016-05-12 10:09:36