Naslov Znanje o oralnom zdravlju i oralno-higijenskim navikama među učenicima Splitsko-dalmatinske županije
Naslov (engleski) Oral health knowledge and oral hygiene habits among the students of Split-Dalmatia County
Autor Fani Maretić
Mentor Antonija Tadin (mentor) MBZ: 324750
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Splitu Medicinski fakultet (Endodoncija i restaurativna dentalna medicina) Split
Datum i država obrane 2016, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO Dentalna medicina Endodoncija i restaurativna dentalna medicina
Sažetak Naslov: Znanje o oralnom zdravlju i oralne-higijenske navike među učenicima Splitsko-dalmatinske županije
Cilj: Cilj istraživačkog djelovanja jest utvrđivanje socijalne stvarnosti u kojoj se formiraju navike učenika u održavanju oralne higijene. Učenici viših razreda osnovne škole odgajaju se za samostalno i odgovorno ponašanje u očuvanju zdravlja osnovom navika koje stječu unutar primarne obitelji te povjerenja koje stječu u otvorenoj komunikaciji s liječnikom dentalne medicine. Dosadašnja
... Više istraživanja su pokazala učinkovitost zdravstvenog odgoja u kontroli plaka, a time i dentalnih bolesti. Loše oralno zdravlje ima velik utjecaj na kvalitetu života bilo da se radi o djeci, odraslim ili starijim osobama. Nužno je na vrijeme usaditi znanje o uzroku i prevenciji najčešćih oralnih bolesti jer su loše higijenske navike uzrok bolesti u odrasloj dobi. Odgovarajuće informacije, programi i motivacija dovode do promjene stavova o važnosti provođenja oralno higijenskih navika te važnosti očuvanja oralnog zdravlja.
Ispitanici i metode: Utvrđivanje navika oralne higijene učenika viših razreda osnovne škole te njihova znanja o oralnom zdravlju provedeni su primjenom kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih metoda istraživanja kroz dvije istraživačke faze: formiranjem fokus grupa s kojima se provodio problemski usmjeren (dubinski) intervju slijedom čega se utvrdio plan istraživanja, polje istraživanja, formiranje upitnika za potrebe provođenja anonimnog anketnog ispitivanja na uzorku od 1001 učenika viših razreda osnovnih škola Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. U radu su prikupljeni podaci obrađeni i deskriptivno interpretirani, u svrhu provjere postavljene, a potom i potvrđene prve hipoteze, a to je da se učenici viših razreda osnovne škole ne pridržavaju temeljnih načela oralne higijene; te potvrde postavljene druge hipoteze prema kojoj učenici nemaju sustavne informacije o pravilima i potrebi oralne higijene. Ove hipoteze su u suodnosu čime se zaključuje da je osnovni preduvjet primjene pravilnog ponašanja brige o oralnom zdravlju pravovremena informacija i edukacija, sustavno provođenje informacija o osnovnim počelima provođenja pravilnih ponašanja koja prethode usvajanju navika i pozitivnog stava brige o oralnom zdravlju.
Rezultati: Rezultati upućuju na potrebu promjene svih manjkavosti primarnog odgojnog djelovanja u području zdravstvenog odgoja mladih te pojačane komunikacije s liječnikom koja ne smije biti samo kliničke nego i informativne naravi.
Zaključak: Učenici viših razreda osnovnih škola ne pridržavaju se temeljnih pravila i načela oralne higijene, te nemaju sustavne informacije o pravilima i važnosti oralne higijene. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Objectives: The aim of this research is to establish social realities where the habits of maintainingDiploma thesis title: Oral health knowledge and oral hygiene habits among the students of Split-Dalmatia County
Objectives: The aim of this research is to establish social realities where the habits of maintaining the oral hygiene are created. Primary school students of higher grades are being raised to behave independently and responsibly in regards to preserving health by habit grounds
... Više which are acquired within the nuclear family and the trust they gain in an open communication with their dentist. Research made so far has shown health education efficiency in plaque control, and at the same time in dental illnesses themselves. Bad oral health has a big impact on quality of life either regarding children, adults or the elderly. It is necessary to implement the knowledge of cause and prevention of the most frequent oral diseases since bad oral habits are the cause of adult's illnesses. Adequate information, programs and motivation lead to attitude changes about the importance of conducting oral hygiene habits and preserving oral health.
Patients and methods: Establishing oral hygiene habits of primary school students of higher grades, and their knowledge of oral health have been examined by quantitative and qualitative methods of research, through two research phases: forming of focus groups-used to carry out problem-oriented interview (in-depth interview) which led to the research plan, research field,creating the questionnaire used to conduct anonymous survey examining on the sample of 1001 students of primary school students of higher grades of Split-Dalmatia County. This study contains the processed and descriptively interpreted data, in the purpose of checking the set, and later the established first hypothesis which is the following- the primary schools students of higher grades do not adhere to the core principles of oral hygiene; the confirmation of the set second hypothesis according to which the students do not possess complete information about oral hygiene rules and needs. These hypotheses are in correlation which leads to the conclusion that the main preconditions of applying the right behavior concerning the oral health care are the right time information and education, complete transfer of information concerning basic principles of right behavior conduct which are preceded by acquiring habits and the positive attitude towards the oral health.
Results: The results show the necessity for changing all the flaws of primary education in the field of health education among the young and the intensified communication with the doctor which should not be only clinical but informative as well. the oral hygiene are created. Primary school students of higher grades are being raised to behave independently and responsibly in regards to preserving health by habit grounds which are acquired within the nuclear family and the trust they gain in an open communication with their dentist. Research made so far has shown health education efficiency in plaque control, and at the same time in dental illnesses themselves. Bad oral health has a big impact on quality of life either regarding children, adults or the elderly. It is necessary to implement the knowledge of cause and prevention of the most frequent oral diseases since bad oral habits are the cause of adult's illnesses. Adequate information, programs and motivation lead to attitude changes about the importance of conducting oral hygiene habits and preserving oral health.
Patients and methods: Establishing oral hygiene habits of primary school students of higher grades, and their knowledge of oral health have been examined by quantitative and qualitative methods of research, through two research phases: forming of focus groups-used to carry out problem-oriented interview (in-depth interview) which led to the research plan, research field,creating the questionnaire used to conduct anonymous survey examining on the sample of 1001 students of primary school students of higher grades of Split-Dalmatia County. This study contains the processed and descriptively interpreted data, in the purpose of checking the set, and later the established first hypothesis which is the following- the primary schools students of higher grades do not adhere to the core principles of oral hygiene; the confirmation of the set second hypothesis according to which the students do not possess complete information about oral hygiene rules and needs. These hypotheses are in correlation which leads to the conclusion that the main preconditions of applying the right behavior concerning the oral health care are the right time information and education, complete transfer of information concerning basic principles of right behavior conduct which are preceded by acquiring habits and the positive attitude towards the oral health.
Results: The results show the necessity for changing all the flaws of primary education in the field of health education among the young and the intensified communication with the doctor which should not be only clinical but informative as well. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
Oralno zdravlje
Oralna higijena
Znanje o zdravlju
Ključne riječi (engleski)
Oral Health
Oral Hygiene
Health Knowledge Attitudes Practice
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:728427
Studijski program Naziv: Dentalna medicina Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (dr. med. dent.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2016-11-11 09:04:25