Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost različitih oblika preventivnog ponašanja i preventivnih pregleda u populaciji Korčule i grada Splita te utvrditi čimbenike koji su povezani s korištenjem preventivnih pregleda.
Materijali i metode: Presječnim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je 1156 stanovnika iz grada Splita i s otoka Korčule (Blato i Vela Luka). Istraživanje je provedeno u okviru projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost pod nazivom „Pleitropija, genske mreže i putevi u ... Više izoliranim ljudskim populacijama: 10.001 Dalmatinac“. Podaci su prikupljeni korištenjem anketnog upitnika koji se sastojao od demografskih podataka (dob, spol), socioekonomskih pokazatelja (obrazovanje i materijalni status), antropometrijskih obilježja, vrijednosti izmjerenog krvnog tlaka, anamnestičkih podataka o postojećim kroničnim bolestima te navikama. U analizi podataka korišten je hi-kvadrat test, Mann-Whitney test i multivarijatna logistička regresija.
Rezultati: Rezultati pokazuju kako su ispitanici iz Splita statistički značajno češće u zadnje 2 godine išli na pregled stomatologa (65,5% Korčula 73,0% Split; P=0,030), kontrolirali krvni tlak (66,7% Korčula, 75,7% Split; P=0,009), kontrolirali GUK (49,1% Korčula, 64,3% Split; P<0,001), te u dobi obuhvaćenoj nacionalnim programom probira odlazili na PAPA test (74,8% Korčula, 87,2% Split; P=0,009), dok su žene s Korčule u dobi između 50. i 74. godine života statistički značajno češće koristile mamografiju (82,9% Korčula, 65,0% Split; P<0,001). Za sistematski pregled (30,9% Korčula, 35,7% Split), pregled stolice na okultno krvarenje u ispitanika između 50 i 74 godina života (25,7% Korčula, 24,7% Split), kolonoskopiju (6,4% Korčula, 10,1% Split), PSA test (25,2% Korčula, 32,1% Split) te CT ili RTG pluća (17,4% Korčula, 22,0% Split) nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između ispitanika iz Splita i Korčule. 24,7% ispitanika iz Splita u protekle dvije godine sudjelovao je u nacionalnom programu ranog otkrivanja raka debelog crijeva, a sa Korčule njih 25,7%, PAPA test je u protekle dvije godine obavilo 87,2% ispitanica iz Splita, te 74,8% ispitanica s Korčule. Mamografiju u protekle dvije godine obavilo je 82,9% ispitanica sa Korčule i 65% ispitanica iz Splita. Muškarci su s manjom vjerojatnošću koristili test na okultno krvarenje i to za 41% u odnosu na žene (OR=0,59; 95% CI 0,39-0,90; P=0,015), ali su imali 78% veću vjerojatnost za odlazak na sistematski pregled u odnosu na žene. Starija dob je bila povezana s manjom vjerojatnošću za pregled kod stomatologa i za PAPA test, ali i s većom vjerojatnošću za kontrolu GUK-a, kontrolu krvnog tlaka i pregled stolice na okultno krvarenje. Osobe s većom razinom obrazovanja učestalije su odlazili na pregled kod stomatologa. Bolje pridržavanje mediteranskog obrasca prehrane bilo je povezano s većom vjerojatnošću za odlazak na PAPA test. Bivši pušači imali su veću vjerojatnost za korištenje testa za otkrivanje okultnog krvarenja iz stolice i PAPA testa. Bolje pridržavanje mediteranskog obrasca prehrane bilo je povezano s većom vjerojatnošću za odlazak na PAPA test. Aktivno pušenje nije bilo povezano niti s jednim oblikom preventivnog ponašanja u ovom istraživanju, ali su bivši pušači imali veću vjerojatnost za korištenje testa za otkrivanje okultnog krvarenja iz stolice (OR=1,76; 95% CI 1,20-2,60; P= 0,004) i PAPA testa (OR=1,81; 95% CI 1,08-3,03; P=0,025). Prisutnost kronične bolesti bila je povezana s većom vjerojatnošću za kontrolu GUK-a i krvnog tlaka te pregled stolice na okultno krvarenje.
Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja su pokazali da su ispitanici iz Splita češće u zadnje 2 godine išli na pregled stomatologa, kontrolirali krvni tlak, kontrolirali GUK, te odlazili na PAPA test, a u obje skupine je učestalost za sve preglede veća ili približno jednaka učestalosti na razini Hrvatske. S obzirom na otkrivenu veću vjerojatnost za odlazak na neke od preventivnih pregleda u ispitanika koji su već bolesni, a ne onih koji su pod rizikom za obolijevanje, potrebno je poticati mjere primarne prevencije, koje minimaliziraju izloženost rizičnim čimbenicima kod još uvijek zdravog čovjeka. Sakrij dio sažetka |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of various forms of preventive behaviors and preventive examinations in the population of Korčula and the City of Split and to identify the factors associated with the use of preventive examinations.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 1156 examinees from Korčula island (Blato and Vela Luka), and the City of Split. The study was performed as a part of the project named „Pleitropija, genske mreže i putevi u ... Više izoliranim ljudskim populacijama: 10.001 Dalmatinac“. The data were collected using a questionnaire that consisted of demographic questions (age, sex), socioeconomic indicators (education and material status), anthropometric characteristics, blood pressure measurements, anamnestic data on existing chronic diseases and habits. The data were analysed using the chi-square test, Mann-Whitney test and multivariant logistic regression.
Results: The results indicated that examinees from Split had statistically significantly more frequent dential check-up in the last 2 years (65.5% Korcula vs. 73.0% Split, P=0.030), controled their blood pressure (66.7% Korcula vs. 75.7% Split, P=0.009), controlled their blood glucose (49.1% Korcula vs. 64.3% Split, P <0.001), and underwent the PAP smear test (74.8% Korcula vs. 87.2% Split; P = 0.009), while women from Korčula aged between 50 and 74 years had used statistically significantly more frequently mammography testing (82.9% Korcula vs. 65.0% Split, P<0.001). For a general physical examination (30.9% Korcula, 35.7% Split), Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) in subjects aged between 50 and 74 years (25.7% Korcula, 24.7% Split), colonoscopy (6.4% Korcula, 10.1% Split), PSA test (25.2% Korcula, 32.1% Split) and CT or RTG lungs (17.4% Korcula, 22.0% Split) there was no statistically significant differences between respondents from Split and Korčula. 24.7% of respondents from Split, and 25.7% from Korčula, in the past two years participated in the national program of early detection of colon cancer. The PAP test was performed in 87.2% of the respondents from Split in the past two years, and 74.8% of respondents from Korčula. Mammography was performed by 82.9% of respondents from Korčula and 65% of respondents from Split in the last two years. Men had a 41% smaller odds of using the FOBT compared to women (OR=0.59, 95% CI 0.39-0.90, P=0.015) but 78% greater odds of going to general physical examination compared to women. The older age was associated with a lower probability of dental check-up and the PAP test, but also with greater probability of blood glucose control, blood pressure control, and FOBT. People with a higher level of education were more likely to go to the dentist's examination. Better adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern was associated with greater probability of going to the PAP test. Active smoking was not associated with any form of preventive behavior in this study, but former smokers were more likely to use the FOBT (OR=1.76; 95% CI 1.20-2.60; P=0.004) and PAP test (OR=1.81; 95% CI 1.08-3.03; P=0.025).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that respondents from Split more frequently visited the dentist over the past 2 years, controlled their blood pressure, controlled the blood glucose level, and went to the PAP test, and in both groups the frequency for all examinations was greater or nearly equal to the frequency at the level of Croatia. Since we showed that examinees with already diagnosed chronic diseases were more likely to uptake some of the preventive examinations, compared to those at risk of chronic diseases, it is necessary to promote primary prevention measures that would minimize the exposure to the risk factors in people which are still healthy. Sakrij dio sažetka |