Naslov Osjet okusa za slatko i prekomjerna tjelesna težina
Naslov (engleski) Sense of sweet taste and overweight
Autor Jasna Bućan
Mentor Ivana Kolčić (mentor) MBZ: 271736
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Splitu Medicinski fakultet Split
Datum i država obrane 2015, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO Kliničke medicinske znanosti Interna medicina
Sažetak Cilj: Glavni cilj istraživanja je ispitati postoji li povezanost između okusa za slatko i načina prehrane, posebice utjecaj na učestalost konzumacije namirnica koje imaju slatki okus te povezanost osjeta okusa s antropometrijskim obilježjima ispitanika.
Materijali i metode: Ispitanici koji su se uključili u projekt „10.001 Damatinac – Hrvatska Biobanka“ (MZOŠ 216-1080315-0302) bili su dijelom ovog istraživanja. Ispitanicima je izmjerena tjelesna masa i visina (i izračunat ITM), opseg struka i
... Više opseg bokova (i izračunat omjer opsega struka i bokova), provedeno je testiranje praga osjeta i doživljavanje intenziteta I hedonizma slatke otopine saharoze. Pomoću ankete su prikupljeni podaci o načinu prehrane, hedonizmu za pojedine namirnice, pušenju, tjelesnoj aktivnosti i razini obrazovanja. Osim toga, svakom ispitaku određena je koncentracija glukoze natašte, koncentracija ukupnog kolesterola, LDL kolesterola, HDL kolesterola i trglicerida. U analizi podataka korišten je hi-kvadrat test, Kruskal-Wallis-ov test i Spearmanov test rang korelacije. Zbog velikog broja provedenih statističkih testiranja, primijenjena je Bonferroni korekcija granične vrijednosti statističke značajnosti rezultata, koja je postavljena na P<0,001.
Rezultati: Konačni uzorak koji je bio uključen u analizu podataka činio je 2751 ispitanik. Od toga je muškaraca bilo 1036 (37,7%), a žena 1715 (62,3%). Značajna razlika prema skupini ITM-a zabilježena je za raspodjelu po spolu (P<0,001), dobi (P<0,001), obrazovanju (P<0,001), učestalosti pušača (P<0,001) i pragu osjeta okusa za slatko (P<0,001). Tako su ispitanici s normalnom tjelesnom masom imali najveću učestalost osoba s niskim pragom osjeta okusa za slatko (47,7%, u odnosu prema 39,6% kod osoba s prekomjernom tjelesnom masom i 37,8% kod pretilih). Prag osjeta okusa za slatko bio je u pozitivnoj i statistički značajnoj korelaciji s dobi (r=0,277, P<0,001), ITM-om (r=0,112, P<0,001), opsegom trbuha (r=0,118, P<0,001), omjerom opsega trbuha i bokova (r=0,162, P<0,001), koncentracijom glukoze (r=0,164, P<0,001) i triglicerida (r=0,128, P<0,001). U analizi povezanosti praga osjeta okusa za slatko nađena je statistički značajna negativna korelacija s razinom sviđanja (hedonizmom) za slanu hranu (r= -0,108, P<0,001) i značajna pozitivna korelacija s hedonizmom prema konzumiranju mesa (r=0,071, P<0,001), dok nije bilo povezanosti sa hedonizmom prema slatkoj hrani. Hedonizam za koncentriranu otopinu saharoze bio je statistički značajno pozitivno koreliran s hedonizmom za kolače, sladoled, mliječnu čokoladu, općenito za slatku hranu i za meso. Dodatna analiza identificirala je i postojanje negativne povezanosti između praga okusa za slatko i učestalosti konzumiranja sušenog voća i orašastih plodova te pozitivne korelacije između praga osjeta i učestalosti konzumacije tijesta i riže, a negativne korelacije između praga osjeta i čokolade te gaziranih sokova. Hedonizam prema slatkoj otopini bio je granično statistički neznačajano pozitivno koreliran s učestalošću konzumacije tijesta i riže (P=0,002), kolača (P=0,009), keksa (P=0,009), bombona (P=0,001), gaziranih sokova (P=0,005). ITM, opseg trbuha i omjer opsega struka i bokova bili su statistički značajno pozitivno korelirani s učestalošću konzumacije krumpira te negativno korelirani s konzumacijom sušenog voća i orašastih plodova, ali i s konzumacijom kolača, čokolade, keksa i gaziranih sokova.
Zaključak: Osobe s višim pragom osjeta okusa za slatko imaju veći ITM, veći opseg trbuha, veći omjer struka i bokova te povišenu glukozu u krvi i trigliceride, ali su i stariie dobi. Ispitanici s nižim pragom osjeta okusa za slatko više vole slanu hranu, dok oni s višim pragom radije uživaju u mesu. Ispitivanjem hedonizma za koncentriranu otopinu saharoze, uočeno je da oni s višim hedonizmom preferiraju tijesto i rižu, kolače, kekse, bombone te gazirane sokove. Kod onih čiji je prag osjeta okusa za slatko niži, rijeđa je konzumacija riže i tijesta, dok češće konzumiraju sušeno voće, orašaste plodove, čokoladu i gazirane sokove. Osobe s povećanim ITM i većim omjerom opsega struka i bokova više konzumiraju krumpir, dok je uočeno da manje konzumiraju sušeno voće, orašaste plodove, ali i kolače, čokoladu, kekse i gazirane sokove. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Objectives: The main objective of the study is to examine whether there is a correlation between the taste of sweet and diet, in particular the impact on the frequency of consumption of foods that has a sweet flavor, and the linkage of taste with anthropometric characteristics of the subjects.
Patients and Methods: Examinees who were involved in the project "10,001 Damatinac - Croatian Biobank" (MSES 216-1080315-0302) were part of this study. Examinees were measured body weight and height
... Više (and calculated BMI), waist circumference and hip circumference (and calculated the ratio of waist and hips circumference), the testing of threshold of sensation and experience of the intensity and hedonism for the sweet sucrose solution were conducted as well. Using the survey, data was collected on diet, hedonism for certain foods, smoking, physical activity and level of education. In addition, each was determined by fasting plasma glucose, serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and tryglicerides. In analyzing the data, the chi-square test, Kruskal-Wallis's test and Spearman test of rank correlation were used. Because of the large number of statistical tests carried out, the Bonferroni correction was applied of the threshold of statistical significance of the result, which is set at P <0.001.
Results: The final sample that was included in the data analysis included 2751 examinee. Of these, 1,036 were men (37.7%) and 1715 women (62.3%). A significant difference to the group by BMI was recorded for distribution by gender (P <0.001), age (P <0.001), education (P <0.001), frequency of smokers (P <0.001) and the threshold of taste for sweet (P <0.001 ). Thus, subjects with normal weight had the highest incidence of people with a low threshold of taste for sweet (47,7%, compared to 39.6% in those with overweight and 37.8% obese). The threshold of taste for sweet was in a positive and statistically significant correlation with age (r = 0.277, P <0.001), BMI of (r = 0.112, P <0.001), abdominal circumference (r = 0.118, P <0.001), ratio of the circumference of the abdomen and hips (r = 0.162, P <0.001), glucose (r = 0.164, P <0.001) and triglycerides (r = 0.128, P <0.001). In analyzing the correlation threshold of taste for sweet, a statistically significant negative correlation with the level of liking (hedonism) for salty foods (r = -0.108, P <0.001) was found and a significant positive correlation with the hedonism for consuming meat (r = 0.071, P <0.001 ), whereas there was no association with hedonism for sweet foods. Hedonism for a concentrated solution of sucrose was significantly and positively associated with hedonism for cakes, ice cream, milk chocolate, generally for sugary foods and meat. Further analysis identified the presence of a negative relationship between the threshold of taste for sweet and frequency of consumption of dried fruit and nuts and positive correlation between the threshold of taste and frequency of consumption of pasta and rice, but a negative correlation between the threshold of taste and consuming chocolate and carbonated drinks. Hedonizam towards fresh solution was borderline statistically non significant positively correlated with the frequency of consumption of pasta and rice (P = 0.002), cakes (P = 0.009), biscuits (P = 0.009), candy (P = 0.001), soda (P = 0.005). BMI, abdominal circumference ratio and waist and hip circumferences were significantly positively correlated with frequency of consumption of potatoes and negatively correlated with the consumption of dried fruits and nuts, but also to the consumption of cakes, chocolates, cookies and soda.
The conclusion: People with a higher threshold of taste for sweet have a higher BMI, the greater the abdominal circumference, the higher the ratio of waist and hips, and elevated blood glucose and triglycerides. Respondents with a lower threshold of taste for sweet prefer salty foods, while those with a higher threshold would rather enjoy the meat. While investigating rhe hedonism for a concentrated solution of sucrose, it was observed that those with higher hedonism favored paste and rice, cakes, cookies, candy and soda. For those whose threshold of taste for sweet was lower, the consumption of rice and pasta was less frequent while they more often consume dried fruits, nuts, chocolate and fizzy drinks. People with higher BMI and a higher ratio waist-hip consume more potatoes while it was observed that they consume less dried fruits and nuts but also cakes, chocolate, biscuits and soft drinks. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
Prekomjerna tjelesna težina
Osjet okusa
Ključne riječi (engleski)
Taste Perception
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:415328
Studijski program Naziv: Medicina Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica medicine (dr. med.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2016-02-08 12:56:24