Sažetak | The main objective of this thesis was to bring e-commerce in the airline industry closer to the
reader. In order to truly understand what e-commerce really represents in today’s world and
how is it linked with airline industry, it was necessary to define e-commerce along with its
main types. Also, it is crucial to understand the importance of reservation system SABRE and
how it completely transformed and automated reservation process. Before SABRE,
reservations were done completely ... Više manually which significantly slowed down the process
and was very ineficient. The fact that after all these years SABRE is still leading the
industry, speaks itself about its effect. Considering the role and impact of e-commerce, with
mainly the role of mentioned reservation system on the air travel, it can be assumed that e-commerce
has a big impact on airline industry in many aspects, such as minimizing costs,
availability of information everywhere and anytime, faster booking etc. Related to that, after
looking more deeply in current trends in airline e-commerce and how different airlines are
conducting it, it is clear that social networks, booking engines and loyalty, usability and
mobility are very important. Each and every of these aspects has a huge influence on the
airlines. These facts are supported with various researches and graphs, along with
explanations. It can be concluded that the most important thing for airlines regarding trends,
is to recognize their importance and to try to provide the best service possible, as well to be
present on the social media, redesign their webpages and do whatever it takes to keep them
up with changing trends.
After elaborating airline e-commerce trends of Millennials as consumers and target audience
and consequently what are airlines doing in serving Millennials, the earliest adopters of
technology, it is visible that one of the main objectives for airlines is to make some
improvements and recognize their mistakes. After looking into a number of graphs and
schemes, it is clear that Millennials can sometimes be rather complicated audience, but in
most cases they are very clear about their needs and preferences. It is apparent that their
favorite place to shop is online marketplace due to the fact that in today's world, everything is
only one click away. They are very dependent on social media reviews, opinions and
experiences regarding certain product, of anonimus people who share their opinions
throughout different social platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. In a way, it can be
concluded that they are leading e-commerce in almost every industry, as they are the ones who
are most likely to be the first ones to try any innovation and the first ones to criticize the
innovation if its not interesting enough. More or less, some airlines seem to use almost all of
their potential and they are doing a solid job in recognizing the needs of Millennials as their
target consumers. However, of course, there are some airlines which were just trying too hard
and because of that they were "too much" and consequently not interesting at all to their
target audience. In order for airlines to recognize on which level their e-commerce is, and
how they are serving to customers, implementation of DAS with its seven components is
crucial. DAS represents the way in which fundamental as well as differential DAS indicators
are measured with the help of proxy indicators. Each and every airline is in one of the four
level of e-commerce advancement, with respect to their DAS score. Logically, the highest the
DAS score, the highest the level. This measurement is very helpful to airlines as it can
indicate whether the changes in their e-commerce implementation is needed. Despite the fact
that the development of e-commerce is rather unpredictable, still some future improvements
are sure. Air freight was increased from 2017 to 2018 and big progress was noticed. This led
to a conclusion that in the period of the next 20 years, demand for new freight aircrafts will
grow, as well as demand of the global freighter fleet.
After a survey which was conducted by the Author in order to understand Millennials as
target audience better, some generational pattern is present but not all the opinions of
surveyed group were same as the generally accepted opinions of Millennials. The one thing
on which they've all agreed is that they are not sure whether the airlines are doing a good job
in providing them the best service possible. Also, as expected, it can be concluded that social
platforms are very important to Millennials as they like to share their opinions and
experiences, and probably would not purchase a product or service that has bad review.
Expectedly, cheap prices and good loyalty schemes are one of the main factors when they are
making a decision on which airline to travel with.
As mentioned many times in this thesis, e-commerce is very present in today’s world and it is
changing very fast. As well, airline industry is also very fast changing and growing industry.
Also, it is one of the industries which can mostly benefit out of e-commerce.
When looking all these information together, it can be concluded that most of the airlines
really recognize all the benefits of e-commerce and do their best in order to keep track of
changing trends and customers’ needs and preferences. Most of airlines strive for the highest
DAS score which also means that they strive for providing the best possible service to their
customers. Of course, there is always a space for improvement, but overall, airline industry
knows how to deal with e-commerce. Considering the future of Air Travel Industry, it is
really unpredictable but it is good to know that, however, some changes, concretely in air
freight are predicted. Taking into account the survey, some generational pattern in giving
answers and sharing opinions is present, but overall, the Millennials themselves are not sure
whether the airlines are doing good enough job in serving their generation. With that being
said, electronic commerce and air travel have rather good connection, but as every change in
trend needs time for adjustment, the promptness and understanding your customer
preferences is a key in being a successful in air travel e-commerce. Sakrij dio sažetka |