Sažetak (engleski) | In addition to the news, which Virovitičan newspaper, as the first Virovitica newspaper, has been editorially published as a local, printed information medium since September 1899 its space is almost in every number filled with various literary and artistic texts. During the editors of Ivan Dobravca-Plevnik, from 1899 to 1925, 951 literary and artistic fragments were published in Virovitica, i.e. 698 complete literary and artistic texts. Scientific research of the literary text will focus ... Više on terms such as authorship, identity, didactiveness, intimacy, utilitarianity and intertextuality, and conclusions will show the abundance of literary species and themes and their multifunctionality. Out of the total number, 241 complete text belongs to the form today called column, and in Virovitičan it was published as a chronicle - so shaped column, with standardized newspaper norms, yet highly artistic and literary-dressed, marked by binarity and hybridity is the second preoccupation of this work which seeks to recognize the artistic quality of the newspaper column in Virovitica newspapers from the beginning of the twentieth century. From 16th September 1899, the date when the first issue of Virovitičan was published, then the ˮnewsletter for promotion of national interests”, the paper brings an unnegligible number of newspaper texts, publications, advertisements, utilitarian (non)literary miniatures, literary texts, programming and political texts, and everything else that the newspaper at that time covers topics and content. Virovitičan thus does not deviate from the plotted scheme and continues to produce newspaper content according to the aforementioned criteria, moving between political streams in the context of agreement and disagreement with current and concrete political beliefs of the ruling and daily-current information that he transmits to his readers. In addition to such duality, looking for a role model in the concept of newspaper publications at the time, Virovitičan complements its contents with literary and artistic texts. As the editor Plevnik once pointed out, he primarily turns to the people in his newspaper, so he opens the door to the activities of educating the readers through the literary texts carefully selected (or not) for the purpose, especially in his chronicles, on topics current for that space and time - playfulness of themes and attempts to act on readers with texts that are approaching the confession of an individual who sometimes didacticism and morals by using his example, often also humour, he tries to achieve a positive impact on the consumers, he does not remain in law for the standard, especially journalistic columns of that time. In addition to the prominent texts in the sequences, in Virovitičan are published various literary and discursive types: lyrical and epic poems, plays, drama miniatures, diary entries and travel, letters, jokes, anecdotes, dashes, aphorizms, fabulous, popular fellions, discussions, humoresque and many other types, so Virovitičan as a newspaper indeed, as Dušan Slavković writes, is a "mosaic made up of countless diverse and varied stones" "reflect all the diversity and richness of life." Recent research on Virovitičan and his editor, Ivan Dobravac-Plevnik, is usually related to his journalistic work, the title of initiator of the first Virovitica newspapers and to a smaller part, the literary, and even the smaller one the theatre. Since this is the author who usually associated his literary work with his own, local newspapers, mostly loacl authors wrote about his work, and mostly biographical texts, mentioning his literary work and the importance of local journalism (Dubravka Sabolić, Ivan Zelenbrz, Slavica Bakić). More comprehensive texts directed at Plevnik's literary work and Plevnik as a newspaper editor, the initiator of the media and a drama author with several smaller pieces wrote Vinko Brešić on several occasions: 1984 in Virovitički zbornik, emphasizing the theme of journalism and Plevnik's importance for the Virovitica journalism - Virovitica civic journalism (until 1941), then 1999 then in Knjiga o Virovitici, mostly repeating the conclusions from 1984 as well as in 2004 in the book Slavonska književnost i novi regionalizam in the chapter Virovitički Šenoa: Ivan Dobravec Plevnik (1873-1959). The previous study of Virovitičan and texts published in these newspapers usually boils down to the press texts that allow Plevnik to justify the current political situation or turn from the political leadership, explaining Plevnik's political role intersting because of his local role as a initiator of the printed media. In addition, it is written about Plevnik's literary work and modest theatre-drama attempts, and most often about the short novel Ljubav je jača od mača or shorter works of Plevnik. There is no research on the entire corpus of literary texts published in Virovitičan, their themes and literary species, their influence on readers and their peculiarities. For this reason, the bibliography of literary texts published in the newspaper Virovitica was created during the editors of Ivan Dobravec-Plevnik since 1899 to 1925. Bibliography is a special, local, retrospective and primary bibliography created with the aim of organizing literary-artistic fragments from all the preserved, digitized numbers of Virovitičan in order to make the sources searchable and to make their use easier. The bibliography contains 951 bibliographic records corresponding to the number of literary and artistic fragments published in newspapers. The records were arranged in alphabetical order according to the rules of the profession, and apart from standard data, they were added the dana on literary type as well as the exact date and year of publication. The main aim of this bibliography was to list literary and artistic texts published in Virovitičan during the editors of Ivan Dobravec-Plevnik since 1899 to 1925, in order to gain insight into the corpus of literary texts published in local, Virovitica newspapers at the end of 19th century and the start of 20th century in order to make conclusions on the influence of literary texts on the readership on the basis of this corpus, their relationship with literary theory and literary genology and to evaluate the newspaper-literary practice of that time in the named newspapers. Since there have been no bibliographies that have listed literary and artistic texts in Virovitičan newspapers, it should be noted that the starting point for work and creation of the bibliography have been preserved and digitized numbers of Virovitičan, and the entire work of making the bibliography is not based on any previously published list of bibliographic units. This research led to the following conclusion: in Virovitičan, according to the listed fragments, we can find: aforisms (8), basin (2), biographical record (7), short-story (213), diary record (31), dialog (4), drama (39), epic poem (2), feljton (17), historical debate (2), humoresque (4), play (1), column (24) 1), legend (1), poem (106), lyrical prose (1), letter (1), review (1), story (12), storyline (209), travelogue (31), joke (14), commentary (2). By reading and studying literary texts published in Virovitičan, thematic determinations are formed regarding the number of literary species and themes and their multifunctionality that will be investigated: the problem of authorship and pseudonymisation, intertextuality in literary works, readers and identity formation, homeland and locality, utilitarianism of literary texts, didactiveness and morality, public acts and usurping of the public media, female letter and love themes and underlining the audience. The aim of this paper is to investigate, harmonize and show which literary types were and with which intention they were published in Virovitičan, and which topics in published works were written about and which was their socio-cultural function in relation to the three hypotheses: the editor-in-chief of the paper recognizes the important role of the literary text in the formation of the reader audience of the city of Virovitica; the analysis of Plevnik's chronicles as hybrid species - newspaper columns with distinct artistic elements will show the author's inclination to didactic literature and to the enlightenment of the local community and the last - Virovitičan, as the first Virovitica newspaper, shapes local culture, nurtures the native literature and contributes to the construction of the entire Croatian cultural identity. Listing, interpreting and valuing literary and artistic contributions published in the newspapers during the editors of Ivan Dobravac Plevnik will contribute to better understanding of cultural opportunities and the literary and cultural history of the city of Virovitica and the region. On the basis of the study of thematic, content, stylistic and formal peculiarities of published texts, the intellectual and conceptual flow of the cultural life of the city will be reconstructed. What can be singled out is a corpus of texts classified according to types comprised of aphors, bass, biographical record, short story, diary record, dialogue, drama, epic poem, historical debate, humoresque, play, legend, lyrical poem, lyrical prose, letter, poem in prose, review, story, and as a special kind one should also mention Plevnik's chronicle. The research will be complemented by an insight into the cultural-historical and literary context from which the extertextual level (relations of politics and poetics) through the influence of Central European and national social, artistic and other cultural phenomena and mechanisms whose direct influence or only reflections are identified in the literary corpus that we scientifically examine. These are concepts such as: the problem of authorship and pseudonymisation, intertextuality in literary works, readers and identity formation, homeland and locality, utilitarianism of literary texts, didactiveness and morality, public acts and usurping of public media, female letter and love themes, and the author's passing audience. In addition to analysis and interpretation of this interdisciplinary analysis, stylistic methods, methods of induction, synthesis and classification will be applied, and we find theoretical basis in the works of Croatian scientists Vinko Brešić, Helena Sablić Tomić, Pavao Pavličić, Aleksandar Flaker, Viktor Žmegač, David Šporer, as well as Stephen Greenblat, Peter Burke, Raymond Williams, which expanded the framework of the study of literature into extra-literary areas. We see the scientific contribution of the research primarily in the analytical approach to literary and artistic contributions published in the news media, which shaped the readers of Virovitica at the beginning of the twentieth century. With the first such insight, review and systematization of literary species that appear in the print, through interpretation and recognition of their cultural function we will bring conclusions on the influence of literary texts on readers, their relationship to literature as art and social function of literature, by evaluating the newspaper-literary practice of that time on the investigated corpus. Through parts of the paper entitled Introduction, Bibliography of literary texts published in the newspaper Virovitičan during the editors Ivan Dobravac-Plevnik since 1899 to 1925, The cultural and historical context - Croatia and Europe at the end of the 19th century and the start of 20th century, The cultural and historical context - Virovitica at the end of the 19th century and the start of 20th century, Literary-artistic context - Croatia and Europe at the end of the 19th century and the start of 20th century, Literary-Artistic Context - Virovitica and Slavonia at the end of the 19th century and the start of 20th century, The novelties and literary-artistic texts, Virovitica printing at the beginning of the 20th century and Virovitičan - the first Virovitica newspaper, Outside the literary theoretical classification criteria, The lyrical and dramatic texts in Virovitičan, Prose types as the most represented literary species in Virovitičan and the Chronicle of Ivan Dobravac-Plevnik, between the feuilleton and column and newspaper gender and literary types. Although at the very beginning of the Virovitičan print, Ivan Dobravec-Plevnik as his author denies any political influence that would politicise the first, local Virovitica newspapers, Virovitičan eventually becomes a bulletin of one or the other political party. Regardless of the content that we find in the newspaper and regardless of the political situation at the time, Virovitičan brings in one, two, and sometimes more literary miniatures in any form - prose, dramatic or lyrical. A corpus of 698 comprehensive literary and artistic texts published in Virovitičan in the period of 1899 to 1925 in 951 literary-artistic fragment is a corpus which offers to the residents of Virovitica at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century a domestic, but also foreign literary production in the form of translation, often as the only literary world accessible to the readers. In this way, Ivan Dobravec-Plevnik, as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, exercises his role on the other level, as the director of the readers’ audience of the city of Virovitica, serving her literary texts according to her own choice - both trivial, oriented to entertainment and those of utilitarian, almost programmatic activities aimed at political action, but also didactic ones that she seeks to enlighten the local community. With its chronicles, special hybrid species in the form of newspaper columns, it criticizes the world around it - its locals, power at all levels, social norms, conventions and various social anomalies of its time. Openly writing about Virovitica's problems and its citizens, as well as easier, everyday problems and funny and less ridiculous events from life, gives an overview of one society as a whole, often very critical and analytical presenting problems and offering possible solutions. It is precisely in its columns called chronicles, Dobravec-Plevnik by using various literary species shapes interesting texts, connecting literary species into new forms, writing in dialogues, lyrics or prose. Prior to the interpretation and evaluation of literary and artistic contributions published in Virovitičan, which will contribute to better understanding of the cultural circumstances and the literary and cultural history of the city of Virovitica and the region, and based on the study of thematic, content, stylistic and formal characteristics of published texts, which reconstructs the intellectual and conceptual flow of the cultural life of the city of that time, the extract were singled out literary classification criteria that are extremely important because of the data they bring. The texts are so classified according to the authorship criteria, i.e. the author's name and surname data or alias, i.e. the missing data, refers to the name and surname or alias, then the data on the subtitle, the translation data and translators, and the notes about whether the texts are published in a sublist or downloaded from another source. After that, the texts were classified according to the types and the criteria according to which texts were read and analyzed - the problem of authorship and pseudonymisation, intertextuality in literary works, readers and identity formation, homeland and locality, the utilitarian literary texts, didactiveness and morality, public inqualities and usurping of the public media, female script love theme and deposition to the audience. The dramatic texts in Virovitičan are not frequent and are not ordinary - only two texts come out in a few Virovitičan numbers, and their shortness signifies their purpose which is most often to laugh and entertain the reader without opening special questions of artistic value. The lyrical texts are usually utilitarian - directed by the authorities, political turmoil or religion, then love, very often thought and intimate, almost examples of usurping the public newspaper space, which his editor, Plevnik, will often use to express personal intimacy, verses directed to persons from intimate, family life or old lovers. The majority of published texts are vague types, and we can divide them into three large groups: those texts that are fun in character and usually continue from number to number, textual miniatures published as short sories that extend in several lines and texts that can be described as intimate, and published in newspapers, and thus offered to the public to read, and can be described as autobiographical texts - diary entries, letters and travelogue. With this first insight, review and systematization of literary species that appear in the newspapers, interpretation and recognition of their cultural function, conclusions were drawn on the influence of literary texts on readers, their relationship to literature as art and social function of literature, with the evaluation and newspaper-literary practice of that time on the investigated corpus, so this work is very good foundation for future research of this problem that will open some other door, investigate in detail certain literary texts and explore their literary and social function. Sakrij dio sažetka |