Naslov Usporedba metaboličkih parametara te parametara za procjenu snage i brzine u labaratorijskim i terenskim mjerenjima u cestovnom biciklizmu
Naslov (engleski) Comparison of metabolic parameters and parameters for power and speed in labaratory and territorial conditions in road cycling
Autor Viktorio Pozaić
Mentor Vlatko Vučetić (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Vlatko Vučetić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Davor Šentija (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Mario Kasović (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Kineziološki fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2017-09-12, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI Kineziologija
Sažetak U ovom radu uspoređeni su metabolički parametri te parametri za procjenu snage i brzine u progresivnom testu opterećenja na biciklergometru (BKF1), progresivnom diskontinuiranom terenskom testu na cestovnom biciklu (PT2KM) i test trci na vrijeme na pisti na dionici od 2000 metara (SP2KM) a istraživanje je provedeno na 10 biciklista (2 žene i 8 muškaraca) koji se natječu na nacionalnoj i međunarodnoj razini (DOB 20,80 ±5,90 god, VISINA 177,86 ±9,59 cm, TEŽINA 66,90 ±8,25 kg). Analizom
... Više vrijednosti frekvencije srca (FS) ustanovljeno je da se vrijednosti FSmax ostvarene u testovima statistički značajno ne razlikuju (BKF1, 190,70±12,96 otk/min; PT2KM, 189,60±12,23 otk/min; SP2KM, 189,60±12,26 otk/min, p>0.05), dok se vrijednosti postignute FSanp ostvarene u testovima BKF1 i PT2KM statistički značajno razlikuju (BKF1, 176,30±11,21 otk/min; PT2KM, 149,10±7,27 otk/min). Istovremeno vrijednosti postignute FSanp ostvarene u testu BKF1 i SP2KM (BKF1, 176,30±11,21 otk/min; SP2KM, 181,00±9,91 otk/min) se statistički značajno ne razlikuju p>0,05. Analizom vrijednosti postignute snage (P) u ova tri testa ustanovljeno je da se niti vrijednosti Pmax ostvarene u testovima statistički značajno ne razlikuju (BKF1, 368,00±75,09 W; PT2KM, 376,00±72,29 W; SP2KM, 390±75,12 W), ali se vrijednosti Panp statistički značajno razlikuju (BKF1, 286,00±74,11 W; SP2KM, 376,00±72,29 W). Utvrđena je vrlo visoka korelacija Pavg između SP2KM i BKF1 (r=0,92; p<0,01), te vrlo visoka korelacija u parametru Pmax između SP2KM i BKF1 (r=0,93; p<0,01), SP2KM i PT2KM (r=0,99; p<0,01). Ustanovljena je značajna razlika u vrijednosti maksimalne postignute brzine (vmax) (SP2KM, 44,40±5,10 km/h; PT2KM, 40,60±3,10 km/h; p<0,05). Utvrđena je vrlo visoka korelacija prosječne postignute brzine između test trke na 2000 metara na pisti i maksimalne postignute brzine u progresivnom diskontinuiranom terenskom testu na cestovnom biciklu (r=0,84; p<0,01). Na temelju rezultata istraživanja zaključujemo da su sva tri testa primjenjiva što se tiče maksimalnih postignutih vrijednosti. Protokol BKF1 i PT2KM visoko su korelirani sa vrijednostima na test trci na 2000 metara na pisti. Analizom vrijednosti frekvencije srca pri anaerobnom pragu zaključujemo da je anaerobni prag sa svojim vrijednostima u testu BKF1 bliži prosječnoj frekvenciji srca u testu SP2KM. Parametri izmjereni protokolima BKF1 i PT2KM imaju visoku prediktivnu moć sa dostignućem na test trci na 2000 metara na pisti. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja zaključujemo da je točka defleksija pouzdanija metoda za određivanje anaerobnog praga u protokolu BKF1 od koncentracija laktata u krvi od 4 mmol/L u protokolu PT2KM. Ispitanici koji su postigli bolje vrijednosti u progresivnom kontinuiranom testu opterećenja na biciklergometru i progresivnom diskontinuiranom terenskom testu moći će držati veću prosječnu snagu (W) u test trci na 2000 metara na pisti. Također zaključujemo da veća postignuta snaga pri anaerobnom pragu u progresivnom kontinuiranom testu opterećenja na biciklergometru i progresivnom diskontinuiranom terenskom testu na cestovnom biciklu prognozira nam bolji doseg na navedenim testovima. Temeljem rezultata istraživanja zaključujemo da ispitanici koji ostvaruju veću snagu i brzinu pri anaerobnom pragu u progresivnom kontinuiranom testu opterećenja na biciklergometru i progresivnom diskontinuiranom terenskom testu na cestovnom biciklu, odnosno ispitanici koji imaju bolji anaerobni prag u navedenim testovima ostvarit će kraće vrijeme u test trci na 2000 metara. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Cycling is a sport in which the diagnosis of the condition of athlete's functional abilities occupies a very important place in planning and programming the training. The aim of this paper is to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between metabolic parameters and parameters for power and velocity estimation in the progressive bicycle test load, progressive discontinuous field test on a road bike, and run time test at 2000 m. The sample of participants
... Više in this test consisted of two women and eight male cyclists competing nationally and internationally (AGE 20,80 ± 5,90 years, HEIGHT 177,86 ± 9,59 cm, WEIGHT 66,90 ± 8.25 kg). The heart rate analysis of these three tests gave the following results : the maximum FSmax heart rate values obtained in the tests are statistically not significantly different (BKF1, 190.70 ± 12.96 bpm; PT2KM, 189.60 ± 12.23 bpm; SP2KM, 189.60 ± 12.26 bpm, p> 0.05), this meaning that each of the tests is valid and reliable because the respondent is being lead to his extreme endurance limits. Values of achieved heart rate at anaerobic thresholds in BKF1 and PT2KM are statistically significantly different (BKF1: 176.30 ± 11.21 bpm; PT2KM, 149.10 ± 7.27 bpm). At the same time, the values obtained at the anaerobic threshold heart rate achieved in the BKF1 test and the average heart rate value in the test run (BKF1, 176.30 ± 11.21 bpm; SP2KM, 181.00 ± 9.91 bpm) do not differ from p> 0.05 statistically significantly. By analysing the achieved power values in these three tests the following was established: the values of the maximum achieved Pmax power obtained in the tests are statistically not significantly different (BKF1, 368.00 ± 75.09 W; PT2KM, 376.00 ± 72.29 W; SP2KM, 390 ± 75.12 W). The results of anaerobic threshold values obtained in BKF1 and SP2KM tests differ significantly (BKF1, 286.00 ± 74.11 W; SP2KM, 376.00 ± 72.29 W). A very high correlation was determined between the average strength achieved at the 2000m test run and the progressive continuous load test on the treadmill which is r = 0.92; p <0.01. Based on the results of the research, a very high correlation was found in the parameter of the maximal achievement of run-time power at 2000 meters per track and in the progressive continuous load test on bicycler (BKF1) r = 0.93; p <0.01, and in progressive discontinuous test on road bicycle (PT2KM) r = 0.99; p <0.01. By analysing the achieved power values in these three tests the following was established : the values of the maximum achieved velocity in the SP2KM and PT2KM test statistically differ significantly (SP2KM, 44.40 ± 5.10 km/h; PT2KM, 40.60 ± 3.10 km/h ). A very high correlation was found between the average speed achieved in the 2000m runway test run (SP2KM) and the maximum achieved speed in the progressive discontinuous field test on a road bike (PT2KM) of r = 0.84; p<0,01. Based on the results of the research, we may conclude that all three tests are applicable as regards maximum values achieved. The BKF1 and PT2KM protocols are highly correlated with the test run values at 2000 meters per runway. By analyzing the heart rate values at an anaerobic threshold we may conclude that the anaerobic threshold with its values in the BKF1 test is closer to the average heart rate in the SP2KM test. Parameters measured by the BKF1 and PT2KM protocols have a high predictive power with a 2000m test run at the runway. Based on the results of the research, we conclude that the deflection point is a more reliable method for determining the anaerobic threshold in BKF1 protocols from the 4 mML / L lactate concentration in the PT2KM protocol. Respondents who have achieved better values in the progressive continuous load test on the ergometer bike and progressive discontinuous field test will be able to hold a greater average power (W) in the test run at 2000 meters per runway. We may also conclude that higher achievement at an anaerobic threshold in a progressive continuous load test on the ergometer bike and a progressive discontinuous field test on a road bicycle predicts a better reach on the tests. Based on the results of the research, we conclude that the respondents who exercise greater power and speed at the anaerobic threshold in the progressive continuous load test on the ergometer bike and the progressive discontinuous field test on the road bicycle, i.e. those with a better anaerobic threshold in said tests will achieve a shorter time in the 2000 m test run. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
frekvencija srca
anaerobni prag
Ključne riječi (engleski)
heart rate
anaerobic treshold
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:536353
Studijski program Naziv: Kineziologija Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski Akademski / stručni naziv: magistar / magistra kineziologije (mag.cin.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2017-09-13 08:23:53