Naslov Crkveno i društveno značenje Glasa koncila od 1963. do 1972.
Autor Anto Mikić MBZ: 356362
Mentor Miroslav Akmadža (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Danijel Labaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva JERKO VALKOVIĆ (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 269003
Član povjerenstva Mijo Korade (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet hrvatskih studija Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2016-06-28, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI Kroatologija
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 070 - Novine. Tisak. Novinarstvo
Sažetak Ovaj rad, na temelju analize sadržaja lista Glas Koncila te crkvenih i državnih reakcija koje je taj list izazivao, pokušava odgovoriti na pitanje: kakvo je bilo značenje toga lista u prvih deset godina njegova djelovanja (1963.-1972.) u tadašnjoj crkvenoj i društvenoj sredini? Nakon kraćeg prikaza povijesnih prilika početka 60-ih godina XX. stoljeća u kojima se list pojavio, osobito u kontekstu tadašnjih crkveno-državnih odnosa, u radu su izneseni osnovni podaci o osnivanju i uvjetima u
... Više kojima je Glas Koncila djelovao, osobito podaci o njegovoj nakladi, distribuciji i dosegu, te su analizirani tragovi njegove prisutnosti u zemlji i svijetu. Autor rada prikazao je i sistematizirao i sadržaj lista po pojedinim temama: kako onima unutarcrkvenima - osobito vezanima uz Drugi vatikanski koncil i poslijekoncilsku crkvenu obnovu, pa i napetosti koje je ta obnova prouzročila u životu Crkve u zemlji i svijetu – tako i onima društvenima, preko kojih se list borio protiv ateizacije tadašnjega hrvatskoga i jugoslavenskog društva te se zauzimao za uključivanje Crkve u društveni život i punu ravnopravnost vjernika u tadašnjemu društvu. U radu se iznose i analiziraju i brojne reakcije crkvenih krugova i crkvenih vlasti na sadržaj Glasa Koncila, među kojima i neke dosad nepoznate stručnoj i općoj javnosti. Na temelju arhivske građe analiziran je i način na koji su se Glasom Koncila bavile tadašnje državne vlasti, uključujući i sudske postupke protiv lista i jednoga njegovoga autora – Živka Kustića. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) This thesis is trying, based on the content analysis of the newspaper Glas Koncila and the reactions of state authorities and the Church to that newspaper, to offer an answer to the following question: what was the importance of that newspaper during the first ten years of its existence (1963-1972). At that time its Editor in Chief was Vladimir Pavlinić. The establishment and initial phase of Glas Koncila is put into the context of the contemporaneous relations between the state and the
... Više Church. They were assessed as of early 1960s as „milder“ - compared to the first few years after the Second World War. Another important context is the renewal of the catholic press whose activities restarted at that time, after they had been almost completely shut down after the Second World War (Chapter II). Further, the thesis presents data on financial and human resource aspects of the newspaper, its circulation its limited way of distribution (because of the contemporary state authorities). It also analyses its presence in the country and abroad, particularly in less accessible areas and amongst Croatian emigrants and missionaries (Chapter III). The author has structured the content of the newspaper by separate topics in the central part of the thesis (Chapter IV): The Second Vatican Council and post-conciliar renewal; reporting and writing about „cases“ that have marked the life of the Church in the country and in the world at the end of 1960s and beginning of 1970s; the role of the newspaper in mutual informing and connecting of believers in different parts of the country and the world; the attempts of the newspaper to open and and improve the internal dialog in the Church (particularly through round tables); opening and promoting the issue of ecumenism; interreligious dialog and dialog with the atheists; the newspaper's attempts to become part of the social dialogue, but also to advocate free work of the Catholic Church and full equality of the believers in the society, as well as different ways of combating the process of atheization of the contemporaneous Croatian and Yugoslav society; the way how the newspaper treated the issue of national consciousness and relation between faith and nation; the newspaper's resistance to link the Church to the Nazi- and fascist Second World War regimes, and finally, the status of the movement Croatian Spring on the pages of that newspaper. The thesis further on presents and analyses positive and negative reactions in ecclesiastical circles and authorities to the editorial policy and content of Glas Koncila and shows some unknown letters of believers groups and ecclesiastical representatives to the editorial staff and Church authorities. The author also analyses within this context the meetings of the Bishop's Conference of Yugoslavia as they delt with the issue of Catholic press, amongst others also with Glas Koncila (Chapter V). In the final chapter (Chapter VI) the author presents and analyses the reactions of the contemporaneous authorities as they had very carefully monitored and analysed that newspaper. They would raise their objections against the content to the editorial staff and Church representatives and towards the end of the observed period they initiated several court proceedings against the newspaper and one of their authors: Živko Kustić. The thesis concludes with the presentation and analysis of the above mentioned court proceedings based on indictments and court transcripts. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
Glas Koncila
katolički tisak
komunistički režim
Vladimir Pavlinić
Živko Kustić
Franjo Šeper
Franjo Kuharić
Ključne riječi (engleski)
Glas Koncila
Catholic press
communist regime
Vladimir Pavlinić
Živko Kustić
Franjo Šeper
Franjo Kuharić
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:857425
Datum promocije 2016-09-17
Studijski program Naziv: Kroatologija Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija (
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2017-09-19 08:23:12