Effects of different anticoagulants on glycated albumin quantification / Graziella Bonetti, Nicola Di Gaetano, Renata Paleari, Ferruccio Ceriotti.

Introduction: In the last 20 years glycated albumin (GA) measurement has been demonstrated to be a reliable glycation marker and recently asthe most innovative one in western countries. Glycated albumin has been already adopted by some Asian countries due to its usefulness in diabetesscreening. The aim of the present study was to investigate for the first time the effects of different anticoagulants on GA assay.Materials and methods: From each of 60 patients a serum tube and K3EDTA, Li-Heparin and NaF-EDTA containing tubes were collected. All tubeswere from Sarstedt (Verona, Italy). Glycated albumin was measured in duplicate in each sample tube in a single analytical run with quantILab glycatedalbumin (Instrumentation Laboratory SpA - A Werfen Company, Milan, Italy) on Architect c8000 analyser (Abbott SRL, Rome, Italy). Comparisonof GA% in evaluated tubes was made by paired Wilcoxon test.Results: Median and interquartile range GA% concentrations were 15.4% (13.2 - 19.1) in serum, 15.7% (13.6 - 19.9) in K3EDTA, 15.6% (13.3 - 19.7) inLi-heparin and 15.5% (13.1 - 19.3) in NaF-EDTA samples, respectively. Glycated albumin mean relative bias respect to serum was within desirable biasderived from biological variation studies (± 2.9%) when K3EDTA (+ 2.8%), Li-heparin (+ 0.9%) or NaF-EDTA (+ 0.1%), were used as anticoagulants.Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that the GA% assay is not affected by relevant interferences when K3EDTA, Li-heparin or NaF-EDTA are usedas anticoagulants, so they can be used interchangeably without a relevant impact on the clinical use of the test.