Pedeset godina Časopisa za suvremenu povijest : bibliometrijska analiza : (1969. - 2018.) / Zdravka Jelaska Marijan.

Pedeset godina Časopisa za suvremenu povijest jasni je pokazatelj značaja tema kojima se bavi. Cilj ovoga rada je na temelju određenih bibliografske analize propitati kvantitativne pokazatelje rada te ukazati na promjene kroz koje je Časopis prolazio, ali i na kontinuitet rada i djelovanja. Uzorak za istraživanje činili su svi brojevi časopisa od 1969. do 2018. godine. Analiza će obuhvatiti opseg časopisa, sastav uredništva, broj znanstvenih radova i njihov opseg te autore znanstvenih radova.; The Journal of Contemporary History (Časopis za suvremenu povijest) has been published regularly every year during the half-century of its existence. A total of 134 volumes have been published in this period. The average length of the Journal was 700.64 pages per year. Deviations in the length of the Journal point to the existence of various favourable and unfavourable influences it has been exposed to during its history. Most of the yearly totals (23) were close to the average length, from 600 to 800 pages. The period with the obviously greatest length were the 2000s, when it greatly surpassed the average at between 900 and 1330 pages. This was likely due to the stable financial situation and employment of younger scholars through the model of junior researchers, which favourably influenced the number of scholars in the entire academic community, including the Journal’s field. The increased interest of the community for contemporary history topics after the war and political transition was probably also a factor in this. All editors were permanent employees of the Croatian Institute of History (previously the Institute of the History of the Workers’ Movement of Croatia / the Institute of Contemporary History), the publisher of the Journal. During most of the five decades of its existence, efforts were made to include scholars from other academic institutions alongside prominent scholars employed at the Institute. The analysis of the data on the length, number, and authorship of academic papers encompassed 1043 works published in the 1969–2018 period that had the qualities of academic papers, regardless of the classification used in the Journal at a given time. The average length of a paper fluctuated from 15 to 30 pages during the entire five-decade period of the Journal’s publishing, with the exception of the first year, when it surpassed the usual maximum.