Nacionalni park Sjeverni Velebit kao vrhunsko edukativno-turističko središte / Dalibor Paar.

Sjeverni Velebit hrvatski je biser koji u kontekstu obrazovanja 21. stoljeća, zaštite prirode, suočavanja s ugrožavanjem prirode i klimatskim promjenama može postati europski značajan edukativni centar. Osim vrednovanja, zaštite prirode i doprinosa obrazovanju, ovaj pristup može otvoriti nova radna mjesta te podići kvalitetu života lokalne zajednice. Pri tome se povezuju različiti sadržaji – obrazovni, znanstveni, kulturni, športski, zdravstveni i dr. Suvremeno znanstveno (STEM) obrazovanje temeljeno na značajnoj georaznolikosti i bioraznolikosti može se u obliku programa ponuditi dionicima obrazovnoga sustava. Krški fenomeni Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit, posebice njegove duboke jame, jedna su od tema koja ima velike znanstveno-istraživačke i edukativne izazove.; Northern Velebit is a Croatian pearl which in the context of education in the 21st century, nature protection, confronting the endangerment of nature and climatic changes could become a significant European centre. Besides the evaluation, protection of nature and contribution to education from the nursery to lifelong learning, the development in this direction opens new workplaces and raises the quality of life of the local community. The Northern Velebit National Park is a location which in synergy with the infrastructure and logistic elements in Kras, Otočac and Senj, along with the support of European funds, can develop on contemporary educational concepts of the 21st century. Especially the underground of Velebit, in other words, its numerous speleological phenomena, represent an excellent example of why it is necessary to connect the geological, biological and climatic aspects of the protected location. The high level of unexplored karst phenomena of the Northern Velebit National Park and the potentials for new discoveries open the possibilities of generating dynamic educational contents which can be supplemented through continuous collaboration with experts. The discovery of something new until then unknown, unusual and unexpected is something which with the corresponding presentation techniques can awaken interest in the natural sciences in pupils and students, in other words, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission awaken the interest in the education of science and STEM regions.