Primjena višekriterijske AHP metode u odabiru sustava pridobivanja drva = Application of multicriteria AHP method in selection of wood harvesting system / Mario Šporčić, Matija Landekić, Ivana Bartulac, Ksenija Šegotić.

Donošenje odluka, kao proces odabira neke od alternativa kojima se rješava dani problem, u šumarstvu je naglašeno zahtjevno zbog mnogobrojnosti i širokog raspona kriterija uključenih u proces odlučivanja. Primjena različitih metoda višekriterijskog odlučivanja u takvim se situacijama pokazuje kao važan i potencijalno dobar način pristupanja brojnim šumarskim pitanjima i problemima. U tom smislu, u ovom se radu primjenom višekriterijske metode odlučivanja Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) ocijenila prikladnost primjene pojedinih sustava pridobivanja drva za odabranu šumsku sastojinu, odnosno radilište. Na temelju ispitivanja šumarskih stručnjaka i usporedbe postojećih sustava pridobivanja drva, prema postavljenim kriterijima, utvrdili su se rangovi pojedinih alternativa i donijet je prijedlog odluke o odabiru optimalnog sustava pridobivanja drva za predviđene proizvodne zadaće i konkretne uvjete određenog šumsko-gospodarskog područja. S obzirom na definirane tehnološko-biološke, ekonomske, ekološke, ergonomske, energijske i estetske kriterije odabira, kao najpogodnija opcija ocijenjen je sustav kojega čine harvester i forvarder.; Decision-making, as a process of selecting some of the alternatives to solve a given problem, in forestry is extremely demanding because of the multiplicity and wide range of criteria involved in the decision-making process. Such interests and criteria cover a number of economic issues, social issues, environmental and ecological issues. The application of different multicriteria decision-making methods in such situations can be an important and potentially good way of addressing many forestry issues and problems. Multicriteria decision-making has been present in forestry for more than 40 years, however, more significant application has begun in the 1990s and numerous, in the meantime published multi-criteria papers dealing with different forestry issues in various areas. In this paper, a multicriteria procedure – Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to evaluate the existing timber harvesting systems in Croatian forestry. The AHP, introduced by Thomas Saaty (1980), is an effective tool for dealing with complex decision making. By reducing complex decisions to a series of pairwise comparisons, and then synthesizing the results, the AHP helps to capture both subjective and objective aspects of a decision. In this way it aids the decision maker to set priorities and make the optimal decision. By using the AHP method, the appropriateness of particular timber harvesting systems for the specific conditions of selected forest stand and planned production tasks (thinning) was evaluated. The study included a comparison of seven different timber harvesting systems, i.e. alternatives: 1) Logger and adapted farm tractor, 2) Logger and skidder with winch, 3) Logger and forestry trailer with crane, 4) Logger and forwarder, 5) Harvester and forwarder, 6) Logger and mobile tower yarder, 7) Logger and cable yarder on truck.