Pedeseta obljetnica transplantacije bubrega u Rijeci = The fiftieth anniversary of kidney transplantation programme in Rijeka / Željko Fučkar, Josip Španjol, Dean Markić.

Pripreme za transplantaciju bubrega počele su osnivanjem centra za hemodijalizu i započinjanjem programa eksperimentalne kirurgije. U transplantacijski program je bio uključen multidisciplinarni tim, te je konačno 30. siječnja 1971. godine u našem centru učinjena prva uspješna transplantacija bubrega u Hrvatskoj i tadašnjoj Jugoslaviji. Kroz svih pet desetljeća transplantacijski program je predstavljao ponos riječke medicine, a njegov razvoj je sa sobom povukao razvoj niza medicinskih disciplina. Danas je Klinika za urologiju Referentni centar za transplantaciju bubrega u Republici Hrvatskoj. U ovom preglednome radu ukratko ćemo prikazati povijesni razvoj kao i stručna i znanstvena dostignuća koja su pratila program transplantacije bubrega u Rijeci.; The foundation of hemodialysis center and programme of experimental surgery was basis for kidney transplantation programme in Rijeka. The multidisciplinary team was included in the transplantation programme and the first kidney transplantation was performed on January 30th 1971. This was the first kidney transplantation in Croatia and former Yugoslavia. During all five decades this programme was the leader in medicine in Rijeka, and its development was connected with the development of many clinical disciplines. Today, the Department of Urology is Referral Center for kidney transplantation in Croatia. In this review article we will shortly present historical development of our center with professional and scientific achievements during time.