Modelling of fuzzy logic based dispatcher support system for railway traffic control in station area / Hrvoje Haramina, Marin Širol, Davor Sumpor, Josip Petrlić.

Suvremeni pristup upravljanju željezničkim prometom na glavnim koridorima podrazumijeva centralizirano upravljanje željezničkim prometom. U tom je pristupu glavna uloga u upravljanju prometom povjerena dispečeru. Imajući za cilj smanjenje radnog opterećenja dispečera i istovremeno povećanje razine performanse i efikasnosti njegova rada, te veću učinkovitost upravljanja prometom, razvijaju se prikladni sustavi potpore u odlučivanju. Članak prikazuje model sustava podrške u upravljanju željezničkim prometom temeljen na umjetnoj inteligenciji. Predloženi model sustava temeljenog na neizrazitoj logici trebao bi u određenoj mjeri smanjiti negativan učinak različitih distraktora i nepovoljnih okolnosti u radnom i prometnom okruženju na rad dispečera.; Modern approach to rail traffic control on major corridors implies centralized train and traffic control. In such approach, the main role in traffic management has railway dispatcher. With the aim of reducing the dispatcher's workload while simultaneously raising the performance level and increasing the efficiency of the dispatcher's work, with a goal of greater efficiency in the process of traffic control, adequate decision support systems are being developed. Within this paper, a model of the dispatcher support system in decision-making in the railway traffic control process based on the application of artificial intelligence is presented. The proposed model of fuzzy logic based dispatcher support system in decision-making should, to a certain extent, decrease the possible negative impact of different distractors and factors of unfavorable circumstances from the working and traffic environment on the performance of the dispatcher’s work.