Can constitutions or laws change marriage? : Reflections on the "Goods of marriage" and natural law of John Finnis / Vanja-Ivan Savić.

In this article the author examines recent case of the US Supreme Court Obergefell v. Hodges in which group of academics acted as amicus curiae in explaining natural law grounds for having traditional approach to marriage as a union between one woman and one man. Author shows connection between teachings of natural law legal theorist John Finnis and his work named 'Goods of marriage' and requests for keeping 'the marriage' reserved only for heterosexual couples. Heterosexual marriage, according to Finnis, protects the family, the Judeo-Christian concept of monogamy, and other social values that we have reached through social evolution.; U ovom djelu autor prikazuje nedavni slučaj iznesen na Vrhovnom sudu Sjedinjenih Američkih Država Obergefell v. Hodges u kojem je skupina znanstvenika priložila podnesak, kao prijatelj Suda, u kojem su zagovarali zadržavanje tradicionalnoga koncepta braka kao zajednice jednog muškarca i jedne žene. Autor povezuje učenja teoretičara (prirodnog) prava Johna Finnisa i njegov rad „Goods of Marriage“ sa zahtjevom da se bračna zajednica rezervira samo za heteroseksualne parove. Heteroseksualni brak, kao judeokršćanski koncept monogamije, prema Finnisu čuva obitelj i ostale društvene vrijednosti postignute društvenom evolucijom.